Not only does it mark the beginning of the academic year, but it is also the occasion for the freshmen to be the oath and become part of the university community.
The event will include a speech by Bruno van Pottelsberghe, the elected Rector of Corvinus University, and the presentation of the Pro Futura Award, created by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, which is the university’s maintaining foundation.
The ceremony will also include speeches by Dániel Palotai, Trustee of the Foundation, member of the Executive Board of the IMF, and Martin Schwemmer, representing the Students’ Union.
The ceremony will also feature a short concert by young talents from the Music Academy and the performance of the Corvinus Közgáz folk dance ensemble.
The language of the ceremony is English.
If necessary, we provide simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian.
Registration is required to participate and can be found here.
Opening Festival
For the first time this year, we would like to open the school year with an informal celebration. After the ceremony, we will be hosting a variety of activities at the University’s new campus, the Gellért Campus (1118 Budapest Mányoki út 9), which opened in February. From 8 pm, you can enjoy garden programmes, a panoramic skybar and music. Please indicate on the registration form if you want to participate in the party.