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The orientation week was a success

2022-02-18 14:03:45

Last week saw the enrolment of successful applicants to the master’s programme and the onboarding of international students starting their studies with us in the spring semester.
Corvinus Ambassador

This semester, students who started their studies in the cross semester were able to apply for the Master’s degree in Accounting, and in addition to their registration for the semester, orientation programmes were organised for Erasmus+, Study abroad and Preparatory course participants, jointly organised by Student Services and ESN. Each group was informed about the tasks ahead, the opportunities offered by the university and received a special Onboarding Information booklet, which contains details of the most important information about the University, such as how to manage the study, the term schedule, the library and sports facilities.

The first experiences

This time, orientation presentations were also held, and of course, the enrollees received a Corvinus logoed product pack. For three days, from 6 pm, the ESN student organisation offered a Campus tour for those who wanted to get to know every corner of our buildings, and the integration event also provided an opportunity for our new students to start their semester with a round dance, following a dance performance and a short folk dance lesson by the Corvinus Közgáz Folk Dance Ensemble.

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