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Successful start of MyView

The new student feedback system was launched in the previous semester.
Corvinus Ambassador

In December, we waved goodbye to the so far number one platform of student feedbacks, HALVEL, which has been replaced by MyView. Although the basic features of the system are the same (you can fill it in at the end of the semester, on one occasion, and it is possible to comment on both courses and lecturers), MyView is not only a much more user-friendly alternative for students, but has higher practical significance, too.  

Student opinion in focus 

MyView forms an important part of Teaching Excellence, which is a supporting-developing assessment framework presently under development at the University. It allows lecturers to explore their strengths and the areas to be developed. Thus, students’ opinions will not only reach the lecturers, but it is an expressed objective to incorporate these feedbacks into practice in the courses of the forthcoming semesters.   

Dr. Réka Vas, Rector for Education pointed out that MyView is an important element of the change of culture at the Corvinus. ‘Several digital developments are currently in progress at the University. Similarly to the others, it is true for this development, too, that one of the key objectives is modernisation, i.e. making sure that students have experiences that meet the current user requirements. However, we also wished to initiate a process of changing the culture, by terminating the preferential course registration as a motivation tool in the system. The objective is to make students feel that the focus is on their opinion, so they should not fill in the form for the prize only. We had a successful start: although the period available for filling in has been reduced, and we cancelled the prizes, we managed to increase the 39% completion rate we had a year ago to the present 46%”, said Réka Vas.  

The first results 

In December, students evaluated 850 lecturers on the basis of various considerations. All in all, they were most satisfied with lecturers’ professional preparedness and objectivity, while areas to be improved included continuous reflection on student requirements and motivation.  

In the undergraduate programmes, almost half of the students answered the questions. At this educational level, the best summarised evaluations were provided by the students of the Finance and Accounting, International Relations and Communication and Media programmes. In the master programmes, the students of the Economic Analysis, Sports Manager and Marketing programmes were the most satisfied with the performance of their lecturers.  

The first student feedbacks confirmed that the renewal of the system has reached its goal. ‘The interface was more transparent and moderner than HALVEL. There were two things why I liked the fact that we were able to fill in the questionnaire in the last lesson: this way we needed no special reminder, and we did not have to spend our free time with the survey” – said Vivien Fodor, undergraduate student of Communication and Media.  

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