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Thefts on Campus: What Can We Do?

Unfortunately, several thefts have been reported at the university in recent weeks. Tackling this issue requires a joint effort from all of us. On the operational side, we are reinforcing the attention and effectiveness of our security services. At the same time, we kindly ask all faculty, staff, and students to keep a close eye on their valuables.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Following recent incidents, we have requested that our security provider strengthen protection measures across campus. 

As an open university—especially with our E Building being a landmark—our community spaces cannot be fully sealed off. While the expanded security team is tasked with observing suspicious behavior or individuals, it’s important to note that potential offenders may blend in and not appear conspicuous. 

This is why we urge all members of our community—faculty, staff, and students alike—to be extra cautious with their personal belongings: 

In many cases, the university first hears about incidents via social media. We kindly ask that all thefts or suspicious events be reported directly. 

For assistance or to report an incident, please contact our Campus Security Service at: +36 1 482 5199.

Incidents can also be reported via email: campus@uni-corvinus.hu.

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