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Meet Our New Master’s Programmes – Ask, Learn, and Shape the Future!

Our newly developed one- and two-year master’s programs are here to introduce themselves directly to you and the student representation. This is your chance to learn about the latest updates, ask questions, and share your feedback!
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

This will be an interactive event, where you can not only listen to the presentations but also actively engage in discussions. 

Date & Location: Room J101 – Gellért Campus 

March 19 
13:40 – 15:10 → MIM (Master in Management) 
 15:30 – 17:00 → MIE ( MSc) 

March 20 
13:40 – 15:10 → PP (Public Poicy MSc) 
 15:30 – 17:00 → SDS & EA (Social Data Science MSc & Economic Analysis MSc) 

Language: Presentations will be in English, but discussions can be bilingual upon request. 

Why should you attend?

Don’t miss out! Bring your questions and join us in Room J101! 😊 

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