The latest issue of Budapest Management Review, February 2023

It is a general management journal, publishing studies on different aspects of organizations: structure, processes, and performance, and equally on cultural, behavioural, and technological subjects. Multidisciplinary research is highly valued and papers that draw on the perspective and theoretical background of sociology, psychology, economics, political science, or communicational studies – apart from that of business, management and organization science are also appreciated.
Contents of the current issue (Volume LIV, Issue 2):
– Éva Krenyácz
The function and standardization of healthcare controllers were examined, discussing the tasks and expectations, and whether the current international literature and domestic experience were also compared.
– Zsuzsanna Győri –Tímea Juhász –Krisztina Szegedi
This article examines the different approaches to family-friendly employment in the field of Hungarian higher education.
– Péter Pogácsás – Balázs Szepesi
The authors analysed the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Hungarian SMEs, with a focus on their crisis resilience and adaptation strategies.
– Zsófia Nemes – Anna Széchy
This article provides an overview of the theory and practice of carbon pricing, its different applications and price developments.
– Zoltán Kárpáti – György Drótos
The authors introduce the results of a qualitative longitudinal case study with a resource-based perspective, concentrating on changes in the resources and capabilities a family firm undergoes while professionalizing the business.
The full contents of the journal are available online at the Budapest Management Review’s website. The website also provides information for prospective authors about the submission process and author guidelines. Budapest Management Review publishes papers that present new empirical findings and/or contribute to the development of theories in their field.