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Ethics, Responsibility, Sustainability


The Corvinus University ERS (Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability) Hub platform was established under the supervision of the Vice Rector for Academic Development to coordinate projects and initiatives related to ethics, responsibility and sustainability at the university level, as well as to provide an open platform for their extensive dissemination and the involvement of volunteers and supporters.

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Corvinus University of Budapest

World-renowned environmental scientist honored by Corvinus

The highest academic honor, Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa, was awarded by the Senate of Corvinus University to Prof. Dr. Paul Shrivastava, world-renowned environmental scientist, professor at the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University and Co-President of the Club of Rome on Tuesday.

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The following framework, inspired by the engagement of a wide range of the university community, aims to focus our activities around specific areas, guide our collective thinking for the future and support the effective demonstration of our achievements and the accurate measurement of their impact.

Sustainability Strategy Framework of Corvinus University of Budapest, 2023-2026


The University aims to harness the potential inherent to its education activities in a way that incorporates as well as specifically targets issues around the theme of sustainability/ERS. Particular attention shall be paid to the development of curricula, programme design, teaching methodologies and stakeholder engagement as well as the knowledge and sustainability/ERS related skillsets of teaching faculty.

Accordion Content

Proportion of programs which have at least one sustainability/ERS course in the program schedule (at all levels (BA-MA: compulsory courses; PHD–MBA: elective courses) and all programmes)

The university aims to ensure that all students take at least one sustainability/ERS course during their studies at Corvinus University. For all courses, sustainability/ERS related principles and indicators should be included in the course outcome competences.

The university aims to steadily increase the number of teaching faculty committed to the issue through its education development efforts.

The University aims to increase the number of Extracurricular learning activities that incorporate sustainability/ERS and the number of students participating in them.

The university aims to support experiential and transformative learning methodological innovations for teachers and encourage students to take the initiative (sustainability/ERS projects).

The university aims to re-integrate the alumni community into education as students and supporters as well as external partners.


The University aims at increasing its publication activity and research capacity in relation to sustainability/ERS research, by providing organizational frameworks and encouraging internal and external collaboration, to reach research excellence and impactful research.

Accordion Content

Number of citations for the University’s scholarly publications on sustainability/ERS
Number of external stakeholder organisations related to publications

The University aims to increase the generation of knowledge relating to or focusing on topics of sustainability/ERS. Increased scientific output and research capacity are aimed through the encouragement of faculty and students towards engagement with the field of sustainability/ERS.

In the spirit of the sustainability/ERS field, the University involves and encourages its faculty/students to actively participate in collaborative research through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research that spans organisational boundaries.

The University aims to become a hub of research excellence in the sustainability/ERS field both in domestic and international contexts, by engaging in research collaborations that connect various types of stakeholders and networks.

The University aims to create an adequate supporting framework for its sustainability/ERS research goals, by providing proper administrative background, funding and incentive infrastructure that enables research excellence.

The University aims to prioritise impactful research, by promoting projects which go beyond scholarly impact and generate tangible value for stakeholders, both within and outside the sustainability/ERS field.

Outreach and social impact

Our goal is for all operations of the University to reflect responsibility and sustainability/ERS towards external and internal stakeholders, and to serve as an example for others. The University establishes and maintains close and extensive partnerships and collaborations with a wide range of stakeholders including companies, community partners, government actors as well as staff, students, and alumni for the sake of advancing sustainability/ERS and creating true social impact. The University actively tries to influence actors and stakeholders within its eco-system that are not yet adopting responsible and sustainable strategies. The University aims to both support and learn from universities and schools that are more advanced in terms of their sustainability/ERS efforts. In its communication activities towards external as well as internal stakeholders, the University uses the issues of sustainability and responsibility in an ethical and credible manner.

Accordion Content

Number of University Citizens participating in collaborative projects with external stakeholders.
Number of external projects with the goal of creating shared value with external stakeholders

The University takes full advantage of its partnerships with other universities by actively facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices around the sustainability/ERS field.
The University sets clear standards for guiding relationships with external stakeholders, including corporate partners.
The University employs a conscious approach towards effectively facilitating community engagement in sustainability/ERS related activities.
The University focuses on presenting positive role models and inspirational personal stories related to sustainability/ERS in its communication.
The University develops incentive systems that reward sustainability efforts of citizens of the university.

The university aims to advance sustainability/ERS by collaborating with networks focusing on or providing positions in the sustainability/ERS field.

The University aims to engage its varied stakeholders based on strategic needs as well as grassroots initiatives from within and outside the institution in an impactful way that takes into consideration sustainability goals as well as the inherent transformative effect of community-based initiatives.

The University aims to become a space that facilitates the sustainability/ERS related activities of a number of varied stakeholders. It provides platforms to share ideas and practices related to the field which serve to have a valuable effect on the future society of Hungary in a meaningful way, focusing on reach as well as tangible impact.

Operations, organisation and community

The University integrates the principles of sustainability into its operation, organization and the community.

Accordion Content

The University develops solutions in the spirit of increasing efficiency and reducing resource consumption in order to decrease its ecological footprint. It emphasizes the use of green energy, the design of energy-efficient buildings, and the optimization of waste management systems. The University utilizes the UI Green Metrics framework comprehensively for impact assessment, with particular focus on the following indicators.

The University provides equal opportunities for all citizens of the university. Special focus must be on the inclusion of foreign students and staff, developing an inclusive infrastructure suitable for students and staff with disabilities and small children, and supporting students from underprivileged backgrounds and ones with other issues related to equity. Specific actions and initiatives shall be included in the Equal Opportunities Plan as well as the Family-Friendly Policy of the University.

Sustainable procurement aims to develop procurement practices that consider environmental, social and economic considerations. To achieve this, preference must be given to environmentally friendly products and services, local producers and socially responsible suppliers.

The University encourages students and staff to live sustainably, by focusing on promoting environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles as well as providing related services.

The University takes into account the financing of sustainability/ERS initiatives and measures during financial planning, thus supporting the implementation of sustainability/ERS goals along designated priority areas within the strategic period.


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UI Green Metrics World University Ranking project

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REform European University project

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The ESG story and what lies behind it

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Corvinus Farmers’ Market

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Sustainability Theme of the Month

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Corvinus Accessibility Project

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Corvinus Ethics & Spirituality Program

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Corvinus ERS HUB sub-page project

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Global Climate Change Week

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UI Green Metrics World University Ranking project

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Corvinus Green project

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REform European University project

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About us

Members of the Steering Commitee

Corvinus University of Budapest

Prof. Dr. Ágnes Zsóka

Vice Rector for Academic Development and ERS Hub Supervisor

Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Katalin Ásványi

Associate Professor, Chair


Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Mária Csutora

University Professor

Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. László Zsolnai

University Professor

Corvinus University of Budapest

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Oszkár Szántó

Dean of CIAS

Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Ákos Domahidi


Corvinus University of Budapest

Dr. Alexandra Köves

Associate Professor

Corvinus University of Budapest

Jácint Farkas

Research Associate

Joined collegues

Corvinus University of Budapest

Kata Apáti-Tóth

Head of Communication

Corvinus University of Budapest

Adrienn Éda Pósvai

Coordination and administrative support

Corvinus University of Budapest

Gáspár Harmati

Member of the HÖK


Accordion Content
  • Esélyegyenlőségi Szabályzat (2016. december 19.)

Az Egyetem fenntarthatósági stratégiájának megújítása folyamatban van.

How to join

The ERS Hub plans to launch further actions and will keep University Citizens informed about them.
In the spirit of deeper engagement and shared value creation, we encourage everyone to register their ideas and initiatives on E-R-S, ethics, responsibility and sustainability issues, or to join the actions by using the form below or by emailing us at ershub@uni-corvinus.hu.

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