Dormitory application process renewed in 2024
In 2024, the dormitory application process has been renewed to make the allocation of accommodation more convenient and fair.
In 2024, the dormitory application process has been renewed to make the allocation of accommodation more convenient and fair.
Applications can besubmitted during the dormitory admission procedure in the manner and by the deadlines specified in the application notice ( via Neptun ). (LINK)
You log in to the University’s Neptun system (link) with your Neptun ID and password and the code you received during the two-factor authentication. You will find the interface by selecting Administration/College Application.
You need to download an application (Microsoft Authenticator), which will give you a unique six-digit code. You will need to enter this to log in to the Neptune interface. More information about the application and its settings is available here: Neptun’s two-factor identification must be set! – Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem (uni-corvinus.hu)
Applications are primarily open to full-time students, visiting students and students on special programmes. In exceptional cases, mid-term applications will be available.
Being on the waiting list as a foreign student is automatic.
It is possible to submit a Cancellation Request on Neptun, however, if you withdraw, you will not be able to submit a new application during the same process.
There is no cancellation fee till the deadlines specified in the application, after the deadline you have to pay a cancellation fee.
The current fees are set out in Annex 1 to thecall for applications. Typical prices are 90-200 EUR/person/month (this includes utilities, but not extra services).
The currency in which you pay your tuition fees will be the currency in which your fees will be paid. (Exception: Stipendium Hungaricum and Diaspora scholarship holders also can pay the deposit in EUR).
It depends on the aggreement of your specified program. Usually fees will be paid in advance for the semester, but on a monthly basis and with monthly deadlines, so you do not have to pay the whole semester in advance.
From this academic year, dormitories will also offer the possibility to apply for any vacancies that may arise during the semester. You will find a description on the website from the middle of September. (Link)
In Neptun, you will find it in the Administration/Requests menu.
You can only pay the deposit by paying in advance to the Neptun joint account. You transfer the money to your joint account, then when you see in the Finance menu that your balance has been approved, you can click on the Deposit for the payment button.
Unfortunately, Simple Pay credit card payment does not work for this type of item.
You will also find detailed information about this in the dormitory application notice and in the move-in letter sent by the dormitory.
Rooms are typically available with 2, 3, 4 and 5 beds. It varies from dormitory to dormitory, but 4 and 5 bedded rooms are the least common. There is no single room or single room option without a roommate. The Gellért Campus Dormitory and the Raday Dormitory have rooms with private or shared bathrooms. There are classic floor-to-floor shared bathrooms in the Kinizsi and Tarkarét Dormitories.
In principle, each room comes with a bed, table, chair, wardrobe, wall shelf, internet access point, limited blanket and pillow availability, all rooms have a fridge. There is a microwave and stove in the common kitchen of the floor. All dormitories have laundry facilities.
Rooms with individual or shared bathrooms have a mirror, hand basin, toilet and shower in the bathroom area.
Yes. In the move-in letter sent by the dormitory, there will be a link to a form where you can specify your roommate(s). As far as possible, requests will be taken into account by the dormitory management, but the limited number of available room types may affect this.
You only need to show a photo ID / passport for administration. Otherwise, bring anything you think you may need for your life in the dormitory. It is also a good idea to arrive with a small bag of essentials first, check what is available and then bring what you think you may be missing.
All dormitories have common kitchens on each floor, which can be used independently , there is no canteen. Only on the Gellért Campus is there a Fresh Corner Café.
The Student Council organises several programmes for students during the academic year (e.g. beer pong, Halloween pumpkin carving). For this, a cultural contribution fee of 5 EUR HUF/half-year is paid on Neptun. If you would like to organise any activities for yourselves, you can contact them for financial support.
The Special Colleges have predefined places, where they can admit their members at their own discretion, and you should contact the Special College directly to find out how to do this.
Yes. The closest dormitory to the banks of the Danube is the Kinizsi Dormitory, followed by the Ráday Dormitory. It is one tram stop from the bank, and the Gellért Campus, which also has a dormitory, looks back from the side of Gellért Hill to the main University building.
Almost all the dorms are within easy reach of the major train stations (metro, tram and bus combinations) and a few minutes walk. From the airport, you can take bus 100E (till Kálvin tér) to the city centre. From the airport to Tarkaréti Dormitory it is better to take a Taxi/Uber service.
There is a 24-hour reception and an electronic access control and camera system in the buildings.
In all cases, contact the dormitory management. Contact details you can find on the website.
You can find the most important central rules (GTC, House Rules, etc.) in the Dorms section of the university website.