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ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR)

The best decision if you wish to invest in your career

The objective of the program is to prepare participants for the DipIFR exam organised by ACCA. 

Our programme is perfect for...

The programme is recommended to students and professionals with accounting knowledge, who wish to improve their international accounting skills and are planning to obtain the internationally recognised ACCA DipIFR diploma. 

Early bird tuition fee

gross 595 000 HUF

Normal tuition fee

gross 699 000 HUF

Application deadline:


Program informations

Program director: Janka Filyó

Program instructor:

Length of program: 100  hours 

Language of the program: English

The program will be launched if sufficient applicants apply.

Education is in the form of attendance.

Topics of the module

The course curriculum was defined on the basis of the official curriculum published by the ACCA.

  • Introduction,
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Presentation of Financial Statements (IAS 1)
  • Events after the Reporting Period (IAS 10)
  • Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16), Borrowing Costs (IAS 23)
  • Government Grants (IAS 20)
  • Intangible Assets (IAS 38)
  • Investment Property (IAS 40) Impairment of Assets (IAS 36)
  • Assets Held for Sale (IFRS 5)
  • Inventories (IAS 2)
  • Agriculture (IAS 41)
  • Mineral Resources (IFRS 6)
  • Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (IAS 8)
  • Revenue (IFRS 15)
  • Leases (IFRS 16)
  • Provisions (IAS 37)
  • Employee Benefits (IAS 19)
  • Share-based Payment (IFRS 2)
  • Income Taxes (IAS 12)
  • Financial Instruments (IAS 32, IFRS 9)
  • Fair Value (IFRS 13)
  • Earnings per Share (IAS 33)
  • Operating Segments (IFRS 8)
  • Exchange Rates (IAS 21)
  • Compilation of consolidated statement
  • Compilation of consolidated statement
  • Compilation of consolidated statement
  • Compilation of consolidated statement
  • Related Party Disclosures (IAS 24)
  • Separate Financial Statements (IAS 27)
  • Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34)
  • First-time Adoption (IFRS 1), SME
  • Practice (Sample exam)
  • Practice (Sample exam)
  • Trial exam

After the certificate

  • Know, understand and apply IFRS rules. 
  • Be able to prepare IFRS financial statements (including consolidated financial statements)

Admission requirements

Basic accounting qualification (economist, with at least two semesters of previous accounting studies, or other qualifications and appropriate accounting experience)

Study visas cannot be required for courses.

If you have any questions:


Corvinus University of Budapest

Janka Filyó
Program director & instructor

Welcome to the ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) Program!

When you work, you only need knowledge that is worth investing in, that is worth the extra time and energy, and that will make you better equipped with up-to-date knowledge and up-to-date skills. This programme will enable our students to broadentheir international accounting skills and prepare thoroughly for the DipIFR exam organised by the ACCA. 

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Corvinus University of Budapest

Péter László Lakatos - Director of the BCE Institute of Accounting and Law, auditor and forensic expert

Péter László Lakatos has more than two decades of professional and educational experience in the field of accounting and assurance services. He has been a lecturer at the Corvinus University of Budapest (and its predecessors) for 20 years and is currently the Head of the Institute of Accounting and Law at the University. László was one of the first to start teaching IFRS in Hungary. In addition to his teaching experience, his market activities are mainly focused on IFRS. In addition to his Hungarian auditing qualification, László is also ACCA qualified.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Eleonóra Tarpataki

Eleonóra Tarpataki's professional background in banking and auditing is now complemented by more than twenty years of teaching experience. She is currently a Master's Lecturer at the Department of Accounting, Corvinus University of Budapest. She is an IFRS certified chartered accountant. As a lecturer, he places great emphasis on the practical aspects of theoretical contexts.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Janka Filyó

Janka Filyó is an assistant professor at the Department of Accounting, Corvinus University of Budapest. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience. Her student-centred teaching method has been recognised several times with the Teacher of the Year Award. She is a certified instructor of the Hungarian Chamber of Auditors. He regularly teaches IFRS accounting courses and is one of the instructors of the international accounting course in the auditor training programme. He is DIPIFR certified.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Kristóf Mente

Kristof Mente is an experienced accounting professional with IFRS consultancy and audit background. Besides his academic and professional roles he is continuously teaching IFRS for finance and non-finance audience from basic to expert courses.

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