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For Outgoing Students

The CEEPUS scholarship programme involves 16 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. As each country provides grants to its incoming fellows, the grant amounts vary from country to country, and the current grant amounts can be found on the CEEPUS Central Office website by clicking on the individual country flags.

Application Information

To be detailed.

Contact Information

  • Institutional CEEPUS Coordinator: Petra Berényi (petra.berenyi@uni-corvinus.hu)
  • Student Services, Outbound Mobility Team Office, Building E, 153 

Corvinus currently has 5 CEEPUS networks:

What are the benefits of the programme?

You can choose a destination country where the level of scholarships and other support matches your expectations.
The administration of the programme and the application process are very simple.
There is no pre-financing, which means that you do not have to repay the scholarship in case of cancellation.
Applicants can apply to any of the universities in the member countries as a freemover student, without the university having to be a partner university.

General conditions for the award of the scholarship

Where to apply?

Currently, CEEPUS funding is available for travel to accredited higher education institutions in Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Open to: undergraduate, master’s and PhD students
  • Activity: attendance, completion and crediting of courses is compulsory during the stay, and may be complemented by an internship
  • Duration: 1 semester or trimester, 3 -5 months
  • You can apply within a network or as a freemover

There are two ways to submit:

Mobility within networks
If there is a CEEPUS network in the sending institution with a topic relevant to the applicant, a network mobility application may be submitted. The selection of potential fellows will be carried out by the local network coordinator, in accordance with the call for applications issued by the institution.

Freemover mobility
If a student cannot find a suitable CEEPUS network in his/her institution, he/she can join the programme as a freemover. In the freemover application type, students and teachers in active status in any higher education institution in CEEPUS countries can apply to any higher education institution in CEEPUS countries. Freemover applications can be submitted for the spring semester.

  • 2 closed semesters until departure
  • active student status during the scholarship period
  • CEEPUS country citizenship
  • Applicants who are not nationals of a CEEPUS country are eligible to apply for CEEPUS under the following conditions, provided they hold the so-called “Equal Status” documents:
    • European and third-country nationals holding a residence permit;
    • refugees, stateless persons, persons with dual nationality.
  • you are not allowed to travel with CEEPUS to the same country as your own nationality or place of residence
  • support for the institutional coordinator or network coordinator/partner of the network concerned
  • the type of mobility activity you must carry out during your stay
  • you do not receive any other scholarship during the scholarship period (no double funding)

At Corvinus, you must apply under the “Study Abroad Scholarship” scheme. Applications for CEEPUS places are conditional, with a decision on funded places to be made in May/June.

Once the decision has been made, the application must be uploaded online. As a Freemover, the application must be submitted directly to the national CEEPUS Office (Tempus Public Foundation).

Procedure for submitting mobility applications online

Applications must be uploaded exclusively online on the CEEPUS Central Office website, following the steps below:

1) Registration: www.ceepus.info / Sign in / Click here to register / fill in the registration form / a link to the email address must be sent to validate the registration / Mobility option
It is important that you only need to register once, you must use the same login if you apply again!

2) To complete the application: logged in with username and password: Mobility Desktop interface / Your mobility application / Academic year (drop-down menu) /Action / Fill in application form

    • No document attachment in the case of a network mobility application and CEEPUS nationality
    • Freemover: 1 db Letter of Acceptance, 2 db Letter of Recommendation
    • Non CEEPUS national: Equal Status document

3) Finalise the application: check & submit button

  • minimum of 21 credits or 5 courses at the host institution
  • language exam: minimum level B2 in the language of study outside
  • 3.0 cumulative scholarship average

Extension is possible in two ways in the system:

  1. by submitting a new application.
  2. by using the system’s prolongation option

The host national agency decides whether to approve or reject the extension request.

You can cancel your mobility in the system (ceepus.info) before the application period and the national agency will be notified automatically. In addition, the applicant informs the host and sender by letter that he/she cancels his/her mobility.

  1. Letter of Recommendation from the sending institution (2 for freemovers)
  2. Letter of motivation
  3. CV
  4. Letter of Acceptance from the host institution
  1. Learning Agreement
  2. Transcript
  3. Mobility Report
  • online submission of the winning application for the autumn semester: 15 June.
  • online submission of the winning application for the spring semester: 31 October.
  • as a freemover for the spring semester: 30 November.

For Incoming Students

Contact Information

Academic Calendar

Detailed academic calendar

Please visit our website for the calendar for guest students.
One semester consists of 14 academic weeks, plus the exam period.

Fall semester in general September – December/January (with exam period)

Spring semester in general February – May/June (with exam period)

Orientation An orientation programme is organised each semester before the start of classes. Details will be provided by the Student Mobility Team, Student Services

Courses are available here.

Main subject areas: Business and Management, Economics, Social Sciences (Political Science, Sociology, International Relations, Communication)

CEEPUS Scholarship Rates – Academic Year 2024/2025

University or college undergraduates, graduates up to MA degree, postgraduate and PhD students

180 000,00 HUF


With min. 5 working days AND min. 6 hours teaching/supervising activity. It counts as one scholarship month.

200 000,00 HUF


With min. 10 working days within 2 weeks AND min. 12 hours teaching/supervising activity. It counts as one scholarship month.

300 000,00 HUF

Only after a physical mobility, with a minimum of 6 hrs of teaching/consultation.

100 000,00 HUF


One scholarship month is distributed among 4 incoming students who receive 45000 HUF each for the whole period of staying (3-5 days).

45 000,00 HUF


Frequently Asked Questions

  • English
  • German

Please note that we require a min. CEFR B2 level English language proficiency certificate.

Non EU-EEA citizens should check the website of the relevant Hungarian Consulate/Embassy for the visa application requirements prior to making an appointment. Visa applications cannot be handed in earlier than 3 months prior to the planned date of arrival.

For the contact details of the Hungarian Diplomatic Mission in or responsible for your country can be found here: https://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/hu-missions-abroad.

Please check with the Hungarian Consulate in your country for any specific entry requirements to Hungary. The Student Mobility Team will keep you updated should any new requirements or restrictions are introduced.

Information on the visa regulations and visa application requirements for 3rd country citizens can also be found here: https://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/en and http://www.bmbah.hu/index.php?option=com_ k2&view=item&layout=item&id=70&Itemid=824&lang=en

The Letter of Acceptance from Corvinus that will have to be handed in with the visa application will be sent out to non-EU/EEA citizens as soon as possible after the online nomination system has closed. Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your planned final date of departure from Hungary. The residence permit for which the visa is issued must be picked up within 30 days from the time of entry to Hungary.

Information on when and how students will be able to pick up their residence permits will be provided during the Orientation Session.

For students:

While Corvinus University cannot offer on-campus (dormitory) accommodation, we do have a selected number of places that offer dormitory-like accommodation (checked by Corvinus staff members) at similar prices. Information on these will be sent out to all incoming students after the preliminary course registration period, well before their date of arrival. Information on what to keep in mind and check if arranging for accommodation individually will also be sent out to students.

For visiting professors/ short-term students:

Unfortunately, Corvinus cannot provide accommodation, however Budapest offers a wide variety of accommodation options. 

The hotels listed below are located close to Corvinus University.

  • Hotel Vision **** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 5 minutes, 500 m)
  • Ibis Budapest Centrum Hotel *** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 4 minutes, 400 m)
  • Mercure Budapest Korona Hotel ****  (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 5 minutes, 500 m.)
  • Boutique Hotel Budapest **** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 2 minutes, 200 m)
  • Estilo Fashion Hotel **** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 2 minutes, 200 m)
  • Meininger Budapest Great Market Hall *** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 1 minutes, 100 m)
  • Kálvin House Budapest *** (Distance from Corvinus University of Budapest: 2 minutes, 200 m)

Cost of Living Calculator is a useful tool to help you financially plan your stay in Hungary. It includes the the most common expenses to help you get started.


Both students and professors should arrange appropriate health insurance in their home country before arriving. Those with chronic illnesses must ensure their condition is adequately covered by their health insurance. Additionally, individuals taking regular medication should confirm they will have access to it throughout their stay in Hungary.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should indicate this as soon as possible but no later than the Orientation Week to be eligible for relevant benefits. Notice about any disabilities should be sent to disability@uni-corvinus.hu and must be accompanied by official supporting documents from the student’s home (sending) university. We will check the all the documents from the home university to make sure we accept the requested accommodtations. IMPORTANT: We can only guarantee disability support that were agreed upon prior to, but no later than the start of the academic semester. For more information: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/main-page/life-at-corvinus

The CEEPUS scholarship is paid directly by the university on a monthly basis. Once you are accepted into the program, the relevant coordinator will contact you to gather your personal and banking details.

After your bank details are confirmed, the scholarship will be transferred to your designated bank account each month. Be sure to provide your details promptly to avoid any delays in receiving your funds.

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