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Student associations and colleges for advanced studies at the University

What are student organisations?

Student organisations are diverse communities at Corvinus, whose members are bound together by both professional interests and friendships. These organisations are very diverse, dealing with a wide range of topics, whether it’s diplomacy, business IT, business, teaching or the arts. If you want to be part of a close-knit community and spend your time doing something that suits your interests, you’re sure to find something that suits you among the organisations at Corvinus. Among student organisations, we distinguish student associations, colleges for advanced studies and the Student Union.

Why join?

By joining one of the organisations at the University, you will gain practical knowledge that will complement the theory you learn in your university courses and that you will be able to put to maximum use in the labour market or when starting a business. Not least, in the student organisations and the colleges for advanced studies, you could gain experience in middle and senior management positions at the age of 18-23, which would only be possible after 5-10 years of employment in a company after graduating from university.

Of course, the extensive network of contacts that those who have been active in a student organisation leave the university with is also another important factor, and this can be key in later life, even when it comes to employment.

In addition to a wealth of professional knowledge and development, you will also make lifelong friends.

Student associations

ABOVE- Alliance for Building an Open and Versatile Europe

Corvinus Consulting Club

College for Advanced Studies of Diplomacy in Practice - GYDSZ

CEMS Club Budapest

International Diplomatic Student Association - IDSA

Office of Self-Motivated Groups - ÖCSI

Youth on the Threshold of Life - FÉK

Colleges for advanced studies

EVK Szakkollégium

Fiatal Autonóm Közgazdászok Társasága Szakkollégium - FAKT

Gyakorlati Diplomácia Szakkollégiuma - GYDSZ

Heller Farkas Szakkollégium

Szent Ignác Jezsuita Szakkollégium

Rajk Szakkollégium

Társadalomelméleti Kollégium - TEK

Széchenyi István Szakkollégium - SZISZ

Student Union

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