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Prof. Hajnal participates in forming the guidelines of the American Society for Public Administration

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The American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) is the national level scientific organization for scholars of Public Administration, Public Policy and Public Management in the United States. Earlier this year, ASPA created a President’s Committee on International Scholarly Engagement (PCISE), a nine-member body composed of leading scholars of the field. Prof. György Hajnal (Head of the Department of Public Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest and Research Professor, Centre for Social Sciences) was invited to serve on this panel as the sole member outside North America. The aim of PCISE is to frame and guide thinking and action of international scholarly organizations in situations involving violations or limitations of academic freedom, democracy and human rights. After several months of joint work PCISE produced and published its Discussion Paper to be further developed throughout the coming months in international academic fora. The final report will be released in January, 2023.

You can download the discussion paper here. Comments are encouraged and welcome.

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