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Hungarian University Contributes to Advancing Research Management Training Across Europe

A new European project launched in February aims to develop a standardized European research management qualification framework. As a key professional partner, Corvinus University of Budapest will not only test pilot training programmes but also play a crucial role in developing a quality label to certify and standardize RM training programs across Europe. The collaboration involves ten countries, supported by the Horizon Europe program and the National Research, Development, and Innovation Fund.

The demand for research managers is growing, as they provide essential support to researchers in securing funding and successfully implementing projects. Their responsibilities include identifying funding opportunities, drafting data management plans for proposals, negotiating consortium agreements, managing financial reporting, organizing dissemination events for research results, and many more. Despite their pivotal role, research management training in Europe remains fragmented, and the profession does not yet receive the recognition it deserves. The newly launched RM Framework European project aims to change this by developing a comprehensive, interoperable, and harmonized European training system.  Beyond training development, the project will conduct impact assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs, ensuring they lead to meaningful improvements in skills, institutional performance, and research success. To secure long-term sustainability, the project will also introduce a business model for the quality label and develop policy recommendations advocating for the recognition of Research Management as a profession. 

With a total budget of over €1 million, the project brings together 16 organizations from ten countries—Belgium, Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. The coordination is led by EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators), with Corvinus University of Budapest playing a key professional role. Corvinus will test the practical applicability of the framework at all three levels of education—bachelor’s, master’s, and executive programs—through its existing research management courses. Additionally, the university will contribute to the development of a quality label for research management training. 

Corvinus’ expertise in this field is distinctive and valuable on a European scale. The university was actively involved in the FoRMAtion Erasmus+ project, a precursor to the RM Framework initiative, and continues to offer research management courses developed under that program. Moreover, Corvinus provides a uniquely extensive one-year executive program for research managers, whereas most European programs only offer short-term courses. 

Thanks to this project, research managers across Europe will receive standardized, high-quality training, regardless of their country of employment. The initiative also aims to enhance the profession’s recognition, highlighting the critical role of research managers and, ultimately, improving the effectiveness of research projects they support. Project no. 2020-2.1.1-ED-2024-00345 has been implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the 2020-2.1.1-ED funding scheme.  

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