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Schedule of the academic year

Information about the Project Week

There will be one (intensive) project week in each semester of the 2024/2025 academic year: 

  • during the 1st week of the study period in the autumn semester: between 02- 08 September 2024, 
  • in the spring semester, during the week preceding the spring break: between 07-13 April 2025. 

Features of the project week: 

  • this week’s classes are not taught according to the traditional timetable; 
  • students can focus on projects, corporate tasks, fieldwork, external data collection;
  • dealing with a topic in a more concentrated, in-depth and focused way; 
  • focused group work with a new teaching methodology. 

Where can I find these subjects and their courses? 

  • Compulsory, compulsory elective or elective subjects can have a project week course. 
  • The course notes also contain information about the project week. 
  • Courses in subjects with a project week may be scheduled in the timetable according to the following weekly timetable: 
    • there will be classes only during the project week; 
    • can be a subject which has scheduled lessons during the academic weeks of the term and also has lessons during the project week, in blocks. 

How do I recognise project week courses in a subject? 

  • Based on the course code. The course code ends with a “-P”. e.g.: E01-P; G02-P etc. 

How do the rules on course registration apply to the project week?

  • All subject admission rules apply to project-week subjects/courses, including rules on conflicts. 
  • In the autumn semester of the 2024/2025 aacademic year, the project week is before the teaching weeks. In this case, students will be able to take courses marked “-P” only until 23:59 on the Thursday preceding the project week, 29.08.2024, and once the course starts the following week, the course cannot be dropped. For this reason, first-year students should study the subject themes of the elective courses. 

When do I have to take the project week courses? 

  • During the periods indicated in the timetable for the academic year. 

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