The new institutions become operational at the Corvinus
The Board of Trustees has approved the modification of the Rules for Organisation and Operation, and the new heads of institutions have been appointed.
The renewal process that started at Corvinus in 2019 reached one of its last major milestones with the transformation of the institutional structure along university-wide considerations and uniform operation principles, on disciplinary basis.
The Senate of the University supported – with a two-third majority – and the Board of Trustees of the maintainer approved the modification of the Rules for Organisation and Operation that contain the new institutional structure. Following that, the heads of the eleven new institutions of Corvinus were appointed on July 6, and the affected staff members of the academic area were informed by HR about the organisational transformation and the modification of their organisational units.
As part of the transparent selection process, the community of the University had a chance to get acquainted with the professional concepts of the applicants and invited candidates and they were able to ask questions and comment on the programmes of the calls for applications.
The new heads of institutes will hold their first meetings in their institutes in the first weeks of July, with the Rector’s participation.
As of July 2022, the following Institutions and Departments will operate at the University:
Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems
Head of Institute: Kő Andrea egyetemi tanár
Department of Information Systems
Department of Infocommunication
Department of Mathematics
Department of Statistics
Department of Computer Science
Institute of Sustainable Development
Head of Institute: Jámbor Attila egyetemi tanár
Department of Geography and Planning
Department of Agricultural Economics
Department of Sustainability Management and Environmental Economics
Department of Tourism
Institute of Global Studies
Head of Institute: Szunomár Ágnes egyetemi docens
Department of International Relations
Department of World Economy
Institute of Economics
Head of Institute: Major Klára egyetemi docens
Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences
Head of Institute: Gyulavári Tamás egyetemi docens
Department of Digital Marketing
Department of Intercultural Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Department of Communication and Media Science
Department of Marketing and Design Communications
Department of Marketing Management
Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences
Department of Decision Sciences
Department of Supply Chain Management
Department of Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences
Institute of Finance
Head of Institute: Váradi Kata egyetemi docens
Department of Investments
Department of Macrofinance
Department of Corporate Finance
Institute of Accounting and Law
Head of Institute: Lakatos László Péter egyetemi docens
Department of Accounting
Department of Business Law
Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Head of Institute: Bartus Tamás egyetemi tanár
Department of Health Policy
Department of Public Policy
Department of Political Science
Department of Sociology
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Head of Institute: Deutsch Nikolett egyetemi docens
Department of Innovation and Business Incubation
Department of Entrepreneurship and Corporate Venturing
Department of Business Economics
Institute of Strategy and Management
Department of Organisational Behaviour
Department of Management and Organisation
Department of Strategic Management
Department of Project Management
Corvinus Center of Family Business