Extracurricular (Performance-based) Scholarships
Application for Demonstrators
Application for teaching assistant position can be submitted for the provision of activities beyond the curriculum requirements. Application can be submitted by students who attend full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s degree programmes and perform duties of demonstrators as activities that go beyond curriculum requirements.
Calls are announced by the Vice-Rector for General Affairs with the consent of the Student Services. The application must be submitted via Neptun. The teaching assistant position does not include financial compensation. After receiving the position, the task is performed voluntarily.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
• Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
• Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Application for Demonstrators among application forms to be completed.
Contact us
• Academic Management
• E-mail address: szilvia.nagy@uni-corvinus.hu
Student Association Scholarship
The Student Association Scholarship Programme aims to support students carrying out outstanding activities in a student organization accredited as category “A” at Corvinus University. Eligible students include those who attend full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes and have an active student status with the University at the time of submitting their applications.
This scholarship is a one-time benefit of fixed amount and you may apply for it on a monthly basis. Chairpersons/designated persons of student organizations will determine scholarships amounts and the scope of eligible students. In your application form, you must describe activities you carried out in the month(s) concerned. This is a mandatory part of making an application through the Neptun interface designed for that purpose. Your failure to do so will result in your disqualification from the application process in that month.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
- Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Student Association Scholarship among application forms to be completed.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- Each month.
- 2.1 percent of the total funding available for performance-based scholarships may be used for this.
The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students.
Contact us
- Student Association Evaluation Committee
- E-mail address: hok@uni-corvinus.hu
FUDAN Scholarship
The FUDAN Scholarship Programme aims to support students attending the Corvinus-Fudan MBA double degree programme implemented by Corvinus University in collaboration with FUDAN University.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- This scholarship is available to self-funded students with active student status who start their studies in the Corvinus-Fudan MBA double degree programme and can meet conditions detailed in calls for applications.
- Calls are announced under a collaboration established between Corvinus and Pallas Athena Domus Meriti Foundation. Applications must be submitted to the Programme Coordinator of the Corvinus-Fudan MBA double degree programme.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- Each semester
- Under the call announced most recently, a scholarship amount of HUF 2,900,000/semester could be received. The current scholarship amount may differ from this and is always included in the current call for applications.
Contact us
Contact us under „Do It Online!”
Public Affairs Scholarship I.
Public Affairs Scholarship is a cash benefit to support and encourage outstanding public affairs activities at the University or the attainment of significant cultural achievements.
There are two types of Public Affairs Scholarship. A scholarship that you may apply for on a monthly basis (Public Affairs I.) and a monthly scholarship available to Board Members of the Student Council for a fixed term aligned to the duration of their mandate as board members (Public Affairs II.). A scholarship may be awarded to a student who performs outstanding public affairs activities, in particular: performs student advocacy tasks, primarily as a representative of the Student Council; or has attained significant cultural achievements and thus contributes to increasing the reputation of the University; or promotes the reputation of the University through other activities.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
- Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Public Affairs Scholarship among application forms to be completed.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- Each month.
- 1.5 times the normative funding for students.
The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students.
Contact us
- Public Affairs Evaluation Committee
- E-mail address: hok@uni-corvinus.hu
Doctoral Public Affairs I. Scholarship
Public Affairs Scholarship II
Public Affairs Scholarship is a cash benefit to support and encourage outstanding public affairs activities at the University and the attainment of significant cultural results.
There are two types of this Scholarship: a scholarship that you may apply for on a monthly basis (Public Affairs I.) and a monthly scholarship available to Board Members of the Student Council for a fixed term aligned to the duration of their mandate as board members (Public Affairs II.). A scholarship may be awarded to a student who performs outstanding public affairs activities, in particular: performs student advocacy tasks, primarily as a representative of the Student Council; or has attained significant cultural results and thus contributes to increasing the reputation of the University; or promotes the reputation of the University through other activities.

Call for Applications for Public Affairs II. Scholarships for members of the Presidency of the PhDSU
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
- Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Public Affairs Scholarship among application forms to be completed.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- Each month.
- 1.8 times the normative funding for students.
The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students.
Contact us
- Public Affairs Evaluation Committee
- E-mail address: hok@uni-corvinus.hu
Grant for Doctoral Research
The University may award scholarships to its doctoral students in an effort to support its organizational units in their research activities. Scholarships are intended to support high-quality research activities in fields of research at organizational units, by linking research carried out by organizational units with research activities of students.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
The scholarship is only available to full-time doctoral students with active student status who can meet conditions detailed in calls for applications; through Neptun, by completing an application form.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
Scholarship periods and amounts are included in calls for proposals.
Contact us
- Corvinus Doctoral School
- E-mail address: phd.office@uni-corvinus.hu
Study Abroad Scholarship
Scholarship for Partial Studies Abroad
Scholarship for Partial Studies Abroad is available for students who, in the semester after submitting their application, continue their studies in a foreign partner institution in the framework of some partial training abroad. Scholarship funds are paid in a lump sum for the entire period of the partial training.
Scholarship funds are disbursed to students after their registration with an active student status for the semester of their trip abroad. Applications are assessed by taking into account students’ academic achievement and professional and community activities. Academic achievement scores are determined based on the scholarship average value, which is automatically retrieved from Neptun, so no special certificate is required for that purpose.
Documents, authenticated by date and stamp, proving your professional and public affairs activities must be submitted. You can find a list of these documents in the current call for applications and in the Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits. Please be careful when obtaining certificates, as there is no possibility to supply any missing information later!
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
- Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find the Scholarship for Partial Studies Abroad among application forms to be completed. The timing of your application will depend on the start of your partial training abroad, as you must apply for scholarship at the end of the semester preceding your trip.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- End of autumn and spring semesters
- In the first semester of the 2020/21 academic year, the minimum and maximum amounts to be awarded were HUF 47,000, and HUF 157,000, respectively.
The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students.
Contact us
- Student Social Committee
- E-mail address: hszb@uni-corvinus.hu
Performance-Based Doctoral Scholarship
This scholarship programme aims to encourage knowledge creation; to support multidisciplinary educational and research programmes and, as part of them, the professional and scientific exploration of geopolitics as an important dimension of economic policy; and to provide incentive for good student performance.
And, as part of this, to provide performance-based scholarships, subject to academic/research achievements, to students studying world economy, geopolitics and related multidisciplinary studies at the Geopolitics and Sustainable Development Programme of the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science.
The scholarship programme has two phases:
- The phase of study and research
- The phase of research and dissertation
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
Doctoral students with active student status pursuing self-funded studies in full-time programmes and able to meet conditions detailed in calls for applications; in Neptun, by completing an application. Calls are announced by Corvinus under a collaboration established with Pallas Athena Domus Meriti Foundation.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- Calls are announced annually.
- Under the call announced most recently, scholarship amounts ranging between HUF 150,000 to 250,000/month were awarded. The current scholarship amounts may differ from these and are always included in the current call for applications.
Contact us
- Corvinus Doctoral School
- E-mail address: phd.office@uni-corvinus.hu
Scientific Scholarship
Scientific Scholarship is a one-time, lump-sum cash benefit that aims to support scientific research activities performed as activities that go beyond curriculum requirements; and to encourage scientific activity. Scholarships may be received under open calls for applications. Calls are announced by the Vice-Rector for Education with the consent of the Student Council.
Scientific activities include a successful participation, or winning top positions, in study competitions (e.g. competitions of Scientific Students’ Associations (TDK) or National Scientific Students’ Associations (OTDK), case study competitions); scientific publication activities; and any other successful scientific activities not included in the above categories.
Documents to prove professional or scientific activities (such as TDK, publication or scientific conference) must be attached to applications.
A list of these documents can always be found in the call for applications for the current semester and in the Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits. Applications concerning activities performed in return for fees or any other compensation are not acceptable.
As calls are announced at the end of each semester, students are recommended to monitor University communications and Neptun messages. Students may submit applications once at the end of each semester, by presenting their scientific performance achieved in the given semester.
Who may apply and what is the process of applying?
- Students with active student status attending full-time undergraduate or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s programmes.
- Applications may be submitted electronically via the Neptun Study and Registration System. In the menu item “Administration”, please select the sub-menu item “Application Forms” to find Scientific Scholarship among application forms to be completed. Describe all your activities in the application form. This is a mandatory process to be performed by using the interface designed for that purpose in the call for applications in Neptun (making references to certificates is not sufficient). Except for TDK activities, where it is sufficient to attach certificates to applications. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the application process.
Frequency of announcing calls for applications and amount of funds to be awarded
- End of autumn and spring semesters.
- In the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year, the minimum and maximum amounts to be awarded to students were HUF 30,000 and HUF 200,000, respectively.
The minimum and maximum amounts of scholarships are for information only. These amounts may be different for scholarships in each semester, as they depend on the total funding available for scholarships and the number of applications submitted by students.
Contact us
- Scientific Evaluation Committee (checking and ranking of applications)
- Student Social Committee (HSZB) (keeping in touch, assistance to applicants)
- E-mail address: hszb@uni-corvinus.hu