Cold War History Research Center: 11th Annual International Student Conference at Corvinus University of Budapest
The Cold War History Research Center held its 11th Annual International Student Conference at Corvinus University of Budapest on June 1–2, 2021.The Cold War History Research Center held its 11th Annual International Student Conference at Corvinus University of Budapest on June 1–2, 2021. Here is a preliminary summary of the event.

The keynote speaker of the event is Mark Kramer, Director of Cold War studies at Harvard University and senior fellow at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.
The conference will be organized in collaboration with the European Institute at Columbia University, New York. Our cooperation with this prestigious institute has lasted since 2017.
From Columbia University 10 speakers will contribute to our two-day event. In addition, in 8 themed panels, 32 students from 10 countries, including top universities like the London School of Economics, University of Graz, University of Northumbria, University of Aberdeen, Central European University, etc., will actively participate in the event.
As was the case with our previous conferences, this year’s conference will also focus on the Cold War era in general and on the post-Cold War period.
For an edited volume collecting the best papers of our student conferences from 2010 to 2016 see: Students on the Cold War: New findings and interpretations.
For more information about our Center visit its website:
For the conference program visit the Center’s Facebook page.
The conference will take place on the Microsoft Teams platform.
To join the online conference, please, send a request to: