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European Think-tank Network on China – Report on ETNC meeting held in Paris  

Dr Tamás Matura Assistant Lecturer has been representing Hungary in the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC), the pan-European research network as a founding member since 2015. You can read below Dr Matura’s report on the ETNC meeting held in Paris in May 2022.

The ETNC holds two meetings every year and issues reports on current China-related topics of the given year from the point of view of the Member States.  

The May ETNC meeting in Paris was the first one since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it was a very significant and successful meeting in terms of both networking and information exchange. Several members have recently joined the organization from Sweden, Germany, Croatia and Romania. 

At the May meeting in Paris, the members discussed the possible scopes of the next issue, which have been narrowed down to three cases: (1) the general presentation of the China-EU relations per Member States; (2) China’s role in Europe’s critical infrastructure; (3) China’s role in the cooperation with the local municipalities and regions.  

In the forthcoming weeks, the entire membership will vote on which of the above publications will eventually be published by the end of the year or early next year. 

Corvinus University of Budapest is included in the cooperation on behalf of Hungary, which means that in the publication Corvinus affiliation will also be indicated.  

The venue of the next ETNC meeting is most likely to be Berlin, where MERICS, one of the EU’s most important China research centres will welcome the members of the organization. 

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