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Mini-course about Bayesian econometrics

Opportunity to learn about the Bayesian paradigm with the Professor of Finance at ESSEC Business School, Paris.
2024.10.21. 14:00 – 2024.10.22. 13:10
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date and location 

Monday, 21st October 2024: 14:00-17:20 (with a break) (Room E.279.1)  

Tuesday, 22nd October 2024: 9:50-11:20 and 11:40-13:10 (Room E.279.1) 

Instructor: Dr. András Fülöp (Professor of Finance at ESSEC Business School, Paris). 

The objective of the mini-course is to provide an introduction to the Bayesian paradigm and its practical implementation. The training is targeted at the graduate level.   

The textbook for the class is “Bayesian Core, A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics”, J.-M. Marin & Ch. P. Robert, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2007 (BC).  

We will use Python during the class; thus, participants are advised to bring their laptops, but you can find some parallel R code on the book website at https://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~xian/BCS/ . 


  • Monday, 21st October 2024: 14:00-17:20 (with a break) (Room E.279.1)  
  • Tuesday, 22nd October 2024: 9:50-11:20 and 11:40-13:10 (Room E.279.1)  

Preliminary Breakdown: 

  • Introduction to Bayesian Statistics 
    • Topics: Normal Model, Conditional distributions, priors, posteriors, improper priors, conjugate priors, exponential families, tests, Bayes factors, decision theory, importance sampling  
    • Readings: Chapter 2 of BC 
  • Bayesian Regression 
    • Topics: Regression and variable selection, G-priors, noninformative priors, Gibbs sampling, variable selection  
    • Readings: Chapter 3 of BC  
  • Generalized Linear Models
    • Topics: Probit, logit and log-linear models, Metropolis-Hastings’ algorithms, model choice  
    • Readings: Chapter 4 of BC  

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the basics of Bayesian Econometrics with an expert in the field. To enroll or clarify any doubts, send an email to Dr. Péter Csóka: peter.csoka@uni-corvinus.hu.  

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