The Analyst’s Traveling Salesman Problem – CCOR Optimization Seminar
Zoltán Balogh (University of Bern, Mathematical Institute) will hold a presentation entitled “The Analyst’s Traveling Salesman Problem” at the CCOR Optimization Seminar on 8 December, at 13.40 in room C.714.The classical Traveling Salesman Problem consists of finding the optimal way for a traveling salesman to visit a finite number of locations in a shortest time. If we suppose that the number of locations is infinite, the basic problem is to decide if visiting all of them in finite time is possible at all?
This is the so called Analyst’s Traveling Salesman Problem. It has some fascinating connections to geometric measure theory and fractal geometry. It has been solved by Peter Jones in 1990 in the planar case. In the case for general metric spaces the question is still widely open. In this talk I will give an introduction to this subject and an overview of some recent results.
We encourage all interested colleagues to participate at this interesting event.