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This year Corvinus University has the highest entry requirements again in the fields of economics, social sciences and IT

2024-07-25 08:46:00

The most talented students continue to choose Corvinus University, and as a result, Corvinus has the highest cut-off scores for scholarship places in bachelor programmes with daytime delivery in all three areas offered: economics, social sciences and IT. Again, the highest admission score in the field of economics was required for the English-language bachelor programme in International Business Economics, with a minimum requirement of 478 points. This time, the majority of the students admitted to Corvinus have chosen English-language programmes.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Under the central admission procedure a total of 1,871 students have been admitted to Corvinus University of Budapest for the 2024/25 academic year. From September, 1,376 students will enter a Bachelor’s and 439 students a Master’s programme, with further 56 students starting a single-cycle programme. In addition, a total of 457 students will join Corvinus through international admissions, 364 students at Bachelor and 93 students at Master’s level, so more than 25 percent of the new admissions will come from abroad. Also, more than half of the students admitted have chosen English-language programmes. At Corvinus, starting from the 2024/2025 academic year , students will be able to complete more than three-quarters of the Bachelor’s study programmes and some ninety percent of the Master’s study programmes in English. This year about 75% of the students admitted to a bachelor study programme with daytime delivery  and almost 100% of those admitted to a master programme in daytime delivery from the Hungarian educational system will be able to study free of charge under the Corvinus Scholarship Programme provided by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, the  Maintainer  the University. 


Corvinus has the highest cut-off scores for full-time Bachelor’s programmes in all fields offered 

According to felvi.hu, Corvinus has the highest cut-off scores for places funded through a scholarship in bachelor programmes with daytime delivery in economics, social sciences and IT.  For the English-language bachelor study programme in International Business Economics, the minimum score to enter was 478 points, for the English-language BA in  International Relations it was 458 points, and for the Hungarian-language bachelor study programme in Business Informatics  the minimum requirement was 440 points. Of all the fields of study offered by Corvinus, the Data Science in Business study programme launched last year made it to the top 10 (450 points).In the field of economics, Corvinus offers 7 of the 8 programmes with the highest cut-off scores, and in the field of social sciences it offers 3 out of the top 5.   


Business Administration and Management: getting into the English-language programmes is more difficult than into the Hungarian-language ones  

The minimum score required to enter one of Corvinus’ free bachelor programmes was 440 points. The English-language study programmes are increasingly popular: the number of students admitted to Business Administration and Management, the most in-demand English-language bachelor programme offered at Corvinus has increased compared to last year.  This year, again, the score required to enter the English-Language Business Administration and Management programme (460) was higher than the score required to enter the Hungarian-language programme, which was 443 points. The highest cut-off score at Corvinus was set for the English-language bachelor study programme in International Business Economics, where 478 points were required, and similarly high scores (458 points) were needed for the English-language bachelor level study programme in International Relations and the Hungarian-language bachelor programme in Applied Economics (457 points).  

The interdisciplinary English-language study programmes launched last year continue to be popular: the minimum score required to enter the bachelor-level study programme in Data Science in Business  was 450 points, for the BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) it was 447 points, and even with these high admission scores, the former will have approximately 30% more students starting this year, while the latter almost twice as many as last year. In Hungary, both study programmes are only offered at Corvinus University. Applicants for the Finance and Accounting programme needed 447 points, and for the Business Informatics and the single-cycle Economics and Financial Mathematical Analysis study  programmes 440 points. 

“Corvinus is known not only for quality education and the traditionally high cut-off scores that go with it, but also for cross-border thinking. We are making Corvinus more and more international every year. It fits our long-term goal of offering a vibrant multicultural environment and a global perspective, with more and more international lecturers for our gifted students here in Hungary. Our Gellért Campus, which will be fully operational this year, will provide even more opportunities to do so, being an ideal location for making new contacts and networking”, said Lajos Szabó, Acting Rector of Corvinus University.  


More students admitted to Master’s programmes, with a strong start for International Accounting and Auditing

The one-year English-language master study programme in International Accounting and Auditing , making a debut at Corvinus this year, immediately attracted one-and-a-half times more applicants than the number of places available. Thanks to the study programme renewal process, some of the English-language master programmes at Corvinus can now be completed in one year. One such example is Marketing Strategy and Innovation, where the number of students has more than doubled compared to last year due to the huge interest. In response to market demands, Corvinus has admitted one-and-a-half times more students to the Economic Behaviour Analysis study programme launched last year, and the English-language master programme  in Finance will also have more students funded through the Corvinus scholarship this year. The highly prestigious Management and Leadership master programme, which is available in both English and Hungarian, will have one-and-a-half times more students enrolling in the Hungarian-language study programme  this year. The number of students on the English-language study programme continues to be the same, with the advantage that students automatically qualify for CEMS, the world’s #12 management programme, of which Corvinus is the only Hungarian member.  

At Corvinus, the renewal of the study programme portfolio will continue in the next academic year in line with market demand, taking into account student expectations as well. New subspecialisations are being developed at Bachelor level, with the existing ones being updated. At Master’s level, new programmes are expected to be introduced in one-year or two-year formats depending on the knowledge level, and some less competitive study programmes will be phased out of the programme  portfolio. At the same time, new competitive programmes will be developed to meet demand. 

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