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The finishing touches: this is what the Gellért Campus looks like now

2023-12-20 01:50:00

As the countdown clock on the Gellért Campus website shows, there are less than 2 months left until the new campus is ready for opening. Now we bring you some pictures of the current state.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The main entrance of the campus is decorated with sculptures by Attila Csörgő. The group of sculptures, called Tökéletlen Kockák, is inspired by one of the Campus’ key characteristics: non-triviality, i.e. the spirit of moving away from the trivial.

The artist experimented with how new shapes could be created when the edges of the cube are not joined in the usual way. The resulting interesting shapes relate to the message of Campus.

A special feature of the Campus is the lamp installation designed by the Hungarian lampmaker LumoConcept, which decorates the main entrance hall. The uniquely designed installation for the Campus has a multi-planar undulating shape inspired by exchange rate charts, but you can also see the floating candles from Hogwartscombining science and magic. 

One of the most unique features of the Campus is the Data Experience Lab cabinet, which uses the original switchboard from the original building. Before the renovation, it was used to control some of the building’s mechanical systems. Today, more modern devices are used, but it was important in the design that some elements of the original building could be reused in the new environment, albeit in a different function. 

The sports centre will offer a wide range of sporting activities, including exercise studios for dance and group training, and a sports field for a variety of team sports.  

Finally, here are some more pictures of the Campus as it is now, and we hope you’re looking forward to seeing it come to life as much as we are! 



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