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Call for proposals for students – Forum for Science and Innovation in National Security Services

2024-09-25 17:30:00

The Forum for Science and Innovation in National Security Services is launching its 2024 call for proposals, which offers the opportunity to present professional ideas on the topics announced.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The topics of the call for proposals are: 

  1. The potential of artificial intelligence in international passenger traffic monitoring
  2. Impact of Digital Citizenship (DCC) on national security
  3. cybersecurity and SmartCity – New challenges and threats in future cities
  4. Risks related to the employment of third-country workers in the European Union and Hungary

Application criteria 

All Hungarian higher education students with two valid, completed semesters of study are eligible to apply. A student may apply for more than one topic. Several students may submit a joint application. 

Hungarian-language applications and required attachments should be submitted electronically to tif@mk.gov.hu 

Application deadline: 31 January 2025.  

The best entries will receive a prize.  

If you have any questions regarding the submission of the application materials or any other questions regarding the competition, please contact tif@mk.gov.hu. More detailed information on the call for proposals is available here. 

Do not miss this opportunity to present your professional achievements related to the topic of the call. 

Applications are welcome! 

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