Celebrating Alumni Philanthropy: Jubilee Class Gift Campaign Exceeds Expectations
The inaugural Jubilee alumni Class Gift campaign has concluded with resounding success. 31 alumni donors contributed more than 400.000 HUF to support the enhancement of the beloved Corvinus University Library.
The campaign, launched in the summer of 2023 with the aim of supporting vital campus initiatives and leaving a lasting impact on future generations. Graduating in 1953, 1958, 1963, and 1973, our Jubilee classes demonstrated a shared commitment to the institution’s growth and success, and the funds raised will play a pivotal role in advancing the resources and capabilities of the Library, benefiting students, faculty, and alumni alike.
Mónika Fischer, Head of the Corvinus University of Budapest Library has expressed her gratitude, adding that, “the funds raised will be used for digitalization, expanding the Hungarian Economic History Archive, which showcases the intellectual heritage of the University and contains digitalized versions of books and journal articles of importance to the history of Hungarian economics.”
This initiative not only marks a significant milestone in the University’s history but its success serves as a testament to the collective spirit and generosity of our alumni body. As the campaign concludes, our Jubilee classes can take pride in their achievement and the positive impact they have made. The legacy of their generosity will resonate throughout the library, further solidifying its role as a hub of knowledge and inspiration in our community.
Our Class Gift ambassadors (pictured above from the left: Dr. Péter Balázs ’63, Dr Erzsébet Sallay ’63, Dr László Benda ’73) remarked: “This gift reminds us of the wonderful years we spent at the University and will support the learning and research of future generations, while serving as a reminder that the library remains a trusted source of information for all.”
We look forward to making the Class Gift campaign a tradition among our anniversary cohorts for years to come. The success of the Jubilee class gift fundraising campaign serves as a beacon of inspiration for future Corvinus generations, emphasizing the incredible impact that can be achieved when alumni come together with a shared vision for the betterment of their alma mater.
If you, or anyone you know, are celebrating your Jubilee anniversary this year, having graduated from Corvinus 50, 60, 65 or 70 years ago, and would like to be part of Jubilee anniversary celebration, you’ll find further information on our website here about the process of obtaining your Jubilee diploma.
For all other classes, from fresh graduates to anniversary cohorts, be it in Budapest or further afield, if you’d like to organize a class reunion this year with fellow alumni, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!