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CIAS Inn: “the connections made here will stay with you for a long time”

Amitabh Anand, a researcher and lecturer at Excelia Business School in France, came to Hungary six months ago on a guest research scholarship programme from CIAS.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

It is probably not an exaggeration to call him a prolific researcher, as during this short period he published in four prestigious international journals, including several co-authored papers with Corvinus authors. And when we spoke, he was already enthusiastic about his research plans for the near future.  

The Indian-born researcher, who lives and works in France for several years, has three main research fields: business characteristics, organisational functioning issues, and the dark economy side of family businesses and multinational organisations. By his own admission, the researcher is an advocate of an interdisciplinary approach, preferring to examine a topic from the broadest possible spectrum, often departing from the narrowly defined management aspect. For example, he recently published a study in a D1 international journal, in which he examined the negative and positive aspects of the B2B Business and their ethical implications.   

“From the very beginning, I have found great partners and co-authors in CIAS and the University Researchers, who have provided valuable perspectives collaborate me in my interdisciplinary approach to my research topics,” he adds.  

Amitabh Anand visited Hungary for the first time in January 2023, when he was invited by Corvinus lecturers to give lectures on management to the students at the University. He immediately fell in love with the country and the University, which is why he applied for the guest research scholarship programme at CIAS. He moved to Budapest in September last year and will spend several months at the Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies until June this year.  

“I like research topics that are a little different from the traditional. For example, a Corvinus co-author and I are currently working on a study on the productivity-enhancing effects of napping at work. And in another research project I currently conduct, I am looking at the role of age in the discrimination of employees within an organisation,” explains the researcher.  

He says that he has learned a lot from his Corvinus colleagues over the past six months about the characteristics of Hungarian family businesses, and that this will be one of the most interesting knowledge he will take away from his time at the University.  

When he’s not busy with his research, Amitabh tries to enjoy Budapest’s vibrant nightlife. One of his hobbies is dancing, so he and his friends have visited dance clubs in the capital, and he has also become very fond of the city’s rich gastronomic offerings over the past six months.   

“I think Budapest is an absolutely liveable and likeable city for foreigners too, I really enjoy the fact that almost everyone here speaks English, I’ve never really felt lost in this city,” adds the researcher, who tries to make the most of every minute of his research period in Hungary, both professionally and as a private person, until June.  

He adds that he is not looking forward to leaving Corvinus even when his scholarship ends this summer: “I can already see that I have made valuable human and professional connections here that I hope will stay with me for a long time in my professional career”. 

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