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CIRCLET Call for applications

2021-04-20 13:24:35

CIRCLET is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 Do you want to…?

  • offer your students real-world community-engaged learning
  • support local communities through curriculum-based collaboration
  • explore how to best use educational technology to support community engagement
  • address sustainable development goals with students and partners at local level
  • build your local and international network
  • turn your practice into publications

Then apply to this call and join the CIRCLET-community.

Application deadline: 9 May 2021

Runs from: September 2021

CIRCLET is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project. The project aims to strengthen capacity among higher education lecturers to improve learning outcomes for students by rethinking curricula to incorporate CERL, with an online dimension. Corvinus Science Shop is a partner, along with Queen’s University Belfast (lead), Open University of Catalonia, TU Dublin and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

You can apply to join the CIRCLET international learning community, through an Online Professional Development Course (run in English by TU Dublin) and a Learning Circle (run in the local language of the school). Both initiatives are focused on rethinking teaching to include community engaged research and learning (CERL), enhanced by educational technology. Both offer the opportunity to work with colleagues in your local university and other countries.

The course is open for PhD students (4 research credits) as well as lecturers, and by its diverse audience it also provides room for peer learning in an international setting in a group of maximum 20 participants.

Participants will be supported from September to January through weekly short assignments and webinars to learn about theory and practice in CERL, in educational technology, and in rethinking a course from delivery to assessment. As part of the course they will design and plan a CERL project which they will run in 2022 on one of the courses they teach. Corvinus Science Shop will provide support in community engagement by e.g. inviting relevant community partner. 

See more details in this webcast by the Dublin team or check out the call.

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