Corvinus Research Highlights 2020, a collection of outstanding international publications now available
Corvinus Research Highlights is a collection of the most outstanding publications by Corvinus authors in 2020.

The Corvinus Research Highlights 2020 is dedicated to the best scientific results achieved last year with a comprehensive representation of the entire research and academic portfolio of the University. As a strategic goal, the reformed Corvinus University seeks to promote researches of international significance and improve the international publication efforts of the academic and research staff, spectacularly presented in this brochure.
The Corvinus Research Highlights 2020 accessible online in English language contains 32 articles and 8 (edited or independent) studies in alphabetical order by publishers. The abstract of each publication is accompanied with a link to the publication itself.
The presented articles and studies have been published by the world’s leading journals and publishers. The Corvinus Research Highlights 2020 can be accessed at the website of the University in PDF format.