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Back to news22/11/2024

Corvinus student in the top three of the “IFK Talentum 2024” award

One of the topics of this year's competition was the redevelopment of the Rákos Rendezvous and the other was the use of an existing building and the creation of a panda habitat at the Zoo.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

BME’s architectural team’s Nexus project won this year’s competition of the Real Estate Developers Roundtable, the largest association of real estate developers. The second place was also won by a team of BME architects, while the third place went to a team of two BME architects and a Corvinus business informatics student. The winning team won a cash prize of one million forints and a trip to the Expo Real world exhibition in Munich in 2025. The runner-up received a cash prize of 750,000 forints and the third place team received 500,000 forints.  

Read more about the event here. 

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