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Creators of the IEderly business project awarded with the Just do it award

2021-12-20 11:31:33

Students of the Strategic Management course have to elaborate a business opportunity in teams.

The department gives the Just do it award to a proposed venture that has great value, is realistic and highly feasible. On 15 December Erik Aal and András Mármarosi, teachers of the Strategic Management master course, presented this year’s award to the IElderly team.

From left to right: Erik Aal, Alexander Hoffmann, Jan-Niklas Zoeller, Vanessa Schmitt and András Mármarosi

Within the framework of the Strategic Management course students must come up with a business opportunity and apply the concepts they mastered. The last two weeks of the course are dedicated to extensive presentations of these projects.  

After witnessing that some of the proposed ventures present great potential value, are realistic and highly feasible for starting-up, the department came up with the idea of the “Just do it” award for the best idea in this respect. The award is to mark that these projects, whilst originated as academic exercises, actually can make a difference when realised. 

At the closing session of the course on 15 December, the department selected IElderly for the Just do it award. The team consisted of Alexander Hoffmann, Vanessa Schmitt, Aram Poghosyan and Jan-Niklas Zoeller. IElderly responds to the increasing loneliness of seniors and consequent overburdening of children. It is a service that offers seniors tailored leisure activities which they can choose individually and undertake with their peers. IElderly follows a subscription model that is supported by a mobile app. This way the children can also flexibly support in planning the activities. 

Congratulation to the IElderly team, we hope you take your project to the next stage! 

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