Colleagues from the Department of Supply Chain Management at Corvinus University of Budapest joined the organisation more than 25 years ago and have participated in most of its annual events and hosted two of its events.
The Regional IPSERA Centre of Competence (RICC) is a local or regional community of active PSM researchers and educators. This certification was awarded in recognition of their educational development efforts, scientific capabilities, and community organizing role.
The application submitted for this recognition showcased the educational (MSc, professional development courses) and research activities that are carried out in relation to corporate and public procurement. They also have lively links with local professionals.
They have been accepted at prestigious universities such as Maastricht University, Politecnico di Milano, Rotterdam School of Management, University College Dublin, University of Twente.
The members of the centre are Gyöngyi Vörösmarty, Tünde Tátrai, Orsolya Diófási Kovács and Attila Chikán.