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Back to news03/03/2025

ECC at Slush’D Abu Dhabi: A Global Perspective on Student Entrepreneurship

Corvinus University’s Entrepreneurship Club (ECC) has had the opportunity to attend Slush’D Abu Dhabi conference. They gained valuable insights, connecting with the Middle Eastern startup ecosystem.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

I returned to Budapest with an incredible learning experience, having gained deep insights into the Middle Eastern startup ecosystem.

– shared Bálint Dobai 

The event provided a firsthand look at how a world-class, student-led conference operates, offering inspiration for ECC’s own initiatives. These experiences will directly influence the upcoming ECC Summit, which aims to become the largest youth entrepreneurship conference in the CEE region. The trip strengthened ECC’s international network, paving the way for future collaborations and a more connected startup community. 

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