Timetable for the election
Persons entitled to stand as candidates and vote
All doctoral candidates who are students in a doctoral programme with the University are eligible to vote and to be elected. Doctoral students are entitled to stand as candidates and vote in the election in the doctoral school to which they belong by virtue of their status. Where a doctoral student belongs to more than one doctoral school, he/she shall be entitled to vote and stand as a candidate in the doctoral school of his/her choice, but in no more than one doctoral school.
Method, place and time of nomination
Nominations shall be submitted electronically by sending a nomination from the candidate’s own email address to the email address of the DGB Supervisory Committee (dokfb@uni-corvinus.hu). To be a valid candidate, the candidate must indicate the following in the nomination:
The period of candidacy is from 1 March 2023 to 30 April 2023.
Place and date of publication of the names of the candidates and the way in which their details are published
The names of the candidates and their profiles, broken down by doctoral school, shall be published on the DGB website in a manner accessible to all and shall ensure that those entitled to vote are notified of the fact of publication by electronic means.
Method, place and time of voting
Voting shall be carried out electronically via the Neptun system, by filling in the appropriate questionnaire under the menu item Administration / Questionnaires.
Voting is restricted to the candidates of your own doctoral school. A voter may support a maximum of three candidates. The votes are weighted equally. A maximum of one vote per candidate is allowed. A vote is valid if the voter supports at least one candidate.
The voting period is from 1 May 2023 to 15 May 2021 at 12:00.
At least 10 consecutive working days shall be allowed for voting. If, on the 10th working day, the conditions necessary for the validity and effectiveness of the election are met, the voting shall be extended.
The election shall be valid if at least twenty-five per cent of the full-time doctoral students have verified their participation. The election is valid if at least three of the representatives are elected.
Method, place and time of publication of the results of the vote
The candidate who receives the highest number of votes per doctoral school becomes the representative. The next two unelected candidates in the same doctoral school in order of the number of votes received by the two candidates with the highest number of votes but at least one vote shall become alternates in the order of the number of votes they received.
The results of the election and the percentage of votes cast by doctoral school shall be published on the website of the DGB in a manner accessible to all and shall be made available to all, and electronic notification of publication shall be given to those entitled to vote.
Within 3 working days of becoming aware of the fact or circumstance giving rise to the complaint, any doctoral student may lodge a complaint about the election with the DGB Supervisory Board at the following address: dokfb@uni-corvinus.hu
The detailed rules for elections can be found in the DÖK Statutes.