High scores were needed again this year for admission to Corvinus
A total of 2085 students have been admitted to the Corvinus University of Budapest for the 2023/24 academic year under the central admission procedure. From September, 1 536 students will start their bachelor programme, 483 their master programme and 66 their single-cycle programme. In addition, a total of 591 students will join Corvinus through international admissions – 323 at bachelor and 268 at master level – so more than 22 percent of students will already come to the university from abroad. This year, almost 70% of the students admitted to a daytime programme and around 90% of those admitted to a daytime master programme will be able to study free of charge under the Corvinus Scholarship Programme provided by the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation maintaining the University.
Just as last year, Corvinus can claim 9 of the ten highest admission thresholds among bachelor programmes offered in daytime delivery
- All three Corvinus English-language programmes are among the top three bachelor programmes offered in daytime delivery mode according to the felvi.hu national admissions platform: International International Business Economics (480 points), International Relations (470 points) and Business Administration and Management (469 points).
- The top ten included both new study programmes: Data Science in Business (463 points) and Philosophy, Politics and Economics (461 points).
- In the field of economic and social sciences, Corvinus only admitted the highest performers to the top three Hungarian-language programmes: Finance and Accounting (464 points), Applied Economics (459 points), and Business Administration and Management(456 points).
- Applied Economics in English with 456 points, having come 9th, also features among the ten programmes associated with the highest admission threshold.
- Each of the study programmes offered by Corvinus in daytime delivery mode has the highest cut-off score for the respective study programme in the Hungarian university rankings.
- Of the 10 highest cut-off scores defined last year for bachelor programmes offered in daytime delivery mode, the Corvinus University of Budapest could claim 9.
480 points were needed to get admitted to International Business Economics
For years the threshold has been rising for the most popular and largest Hungarian-language bachelor-level study programme at Corvinus: this year, applicants needed 456 to get into the Bachelor in Business Administration and Management and 469 points for the English-language version of the same programme. The highest cut-off score at Corvinus was defined for the English-language Bachelor in International Business Economics, where 480 points were required, a similarly high score (470 points) were needed for the English-language bachelor-level study programme in International Relations and the single-cycle programme in Actuarial and Financial Mathematical Analysis (461 points) – the latter with a nearly 10 percent higher entry threshold compared to last year for students funder through a scholarship.
The Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE) bachelor study programme addressing contemporary social issues and the Data Science in Business bachelor study programme preparing students to become experts in economic data, will also be made up of the very best applicants. The entry threshold was 461 points for the PPE and 463 points for Data Science in Business. Both study programmes can only offered by Corvinus in Hungary.
“I am proud that our new bachelor study programmes are already attracting such high calibre students in the very first year. This also proves that it is worthwhile to continuously develop and reflect market needs, not only by launching completely new programmes, but also by keeping existing ones fresh and constantly rethinking them. And our freshmen and upper-year students will not only benefit from the continuous renewal of our programmes, but from February 2024 they will fill the large-scale development of Corvinus University, the Ménesi Campus with life. Here they will find everything they need to work together in an experiential, innovative and inspiring space in a creative and inclusive environment. From now on, it is up to the students to take advantage of the many opportunities we offer,” said Lajos Szabó, Vice Rector General of Corvinus, Acting Rector.
Compared to last year, a score of 452, 10 points more than last year were required for admission to the English-language bachelor-level study programme in Communication and Media Studies. The entry threshold was six points higher than last year, 452 points for the Bachelor in Business Informatics which already produced a considerable increase compared to the year beforeand 464 for the Finance and Accounting study programme offered tuition-free, which also represents a further increase. The Applied Economics study programme in both Hungarian and English, which can only be taken at Corvinus in Hungary also requires a high score, 459 and 456, respectively.
One-year master programmes are attractive
Corvinus is also placing great emphasis on the renewal of its master programmes. It was one of the first to respond to market demand and to shorten the time in which a master degree could be obtained while maintaining quality. From the 2023/24 academic year, it will be possible to obtain a master-level diploma in Public Policy and Management, International Economy and Management as well as Marketing in one academic year instead of the usual two years. Marketing Strategy and Innovation can also be completed as a one-year study programme. The unique programme in Economic Behaviour Analysis and the master-level study programme in Political Economy will be launched as new two-year programmes. The only long-standing master programme that may be completed in either English or Hungarian is the traditional Management and Leadership study programme targeting a large number of students. Here too, it is a good decision to strengthen English-language delivery as the number of applicants for the programme in English has increased by 150% compared to last year.
There is no need to go abroad to receive education meeting international standards
The number of Hungarian students admitted to English language programmes has increased by 14 percent, thus 48.3 percent of the current intake are now completing their studies in English.
“Our strategic goal is to keep talented students who are looking for a renown university and quality education in our country. We believe that the way forward is the internationalisation of Corvinus. To this end, we are increasing the proportion of our English-language study programme portfolio and the number of our foreign lecturers year on year. Students may complete more than half of the bachelor study programmes and eighty percent of the master study programmes commencing in the 2023/24 academic year in English only or in English as well, so we guarantee them an international environment that encourages their development.” – said Anthony Radev, President of the University.
At Corvinus, the renewal of the study programme portfolio will continue in the next academic year. Among the bachelor study programmes, Communication and Media Studies is being restructured in line with market demand, while in the case of master-level programmes, we expect to add other one-year programmes to the range. In the autumn the university will also launch its short executive programmes in various fields of specialisation, aimed at practitioners.