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Improve your language skills – learn for free!

2024-08-27 09:42:00

Mastering a new language can open doors to an entirely new world. The years you spend studying at Corvinus gives you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich diversity of languages and to acquire the linguistic competence necessary for your diploma and your future career. We now present to you the most important things to know about foreign language programs.
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Contrary to the misconceptions, despite closing Corvinus Language exam Center, language teaching has not stopped, since the university, as an always improving platform provides opportunities for progress for those who have a growing need for different languages and who would like to aim for new professional goals.

 The Foreign Language Teaching and Research Center (Idegen Nyelvi Oktató- és Kutatóközpont – IOK) is welcoming all those interested in general and professional language learning by offering 9 language choices, thanks to which students can take part in study programs abroad more easily and can become more successful in building their careers. The goal at Corvinus is essentially not to pass on B2, but a higher-level language knowledge, since on the labor market advanced level language competences are required.

In the course registration period, you have the chance to take in Neptun the language course of your choice, on the level you need it: English, German, Arabic, French, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.


Why is it worth studying languages at Corvinus University? 

You can learn from excellent teachers, who provide high-quality education in all languages. Besides, the lessons are student-centered and interactive, and take place in an environment where modern infrastructure is helping the study process, and professors are even active supporters of students in language exam preparation. The language exam requirement for obtaining a degree is defined by the qualification/learning outcomes (you can find it in the description of each course). On BA courses you can attend two time slots per week (2×90 minutes) free of charge. In case you are pursuing a major where it is required to acquire professional skills in one foreign language, you can study for two semesters at no cost, if two languages are expected to be mastered, you can study for four semesters free of charge. On MA courses students have the option to learn languages at their own expense.

Undergraduate students earn 3 credits for taking foreign language courses, besides receiving a practical grade. In the case of postgraduate students, applying for language courses does not mean earning extra credits or a grade included in the average, but they can benefit from a discount: in case they take part in a fee-paying course, the upcoming semester the course fee decreases by 5%.

A master’s student shared their experience:

I learned Business English on the course led by Nicholas Johnson, native speaker teacher, where we not only developed written and oral skills, but also built a community. It took a lot of work and energy, but it was definitely worth it!

As long as you are interested in how language learning looks from a teacher’s point of view, we recommend reading the interview with this semester’s best language teacher award winner, Dr. Kuncz Izabella, who talks about individual approaches, and even gives useful advice for the youth.

In addition, language skills can be developed not only during lessons, but also through specialized programs and by joining student organizations. For example, DSG (Deutschsprachiger Studiengang) has professional courses and social events in German and furthermore offers a team with a strong bond for the newest members, as they believe actively using a language is the best way to develop it.

 If you want to be confident in your own language skills, choosing Corvinus Language Teaching and Research Centre is the best thing you can do. Language learning requires serious effort and commitment, but the results and accomplishments speak for themselves and pave the way for a successful future.

It is important to know that from 2023/24 universities are obliged to ensure their students possess the required foreign language expertise. Therefore, students must also complete a zero-credit mandatory subject (IOK0332NABB Idegen szaknyelvi kompetencia I.). This course must be taken in Neptun; however, a B2-level professional language exam can be replaced by a general advanced level exam. For further information visit Corvinus website. The languages you can choose from are: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese. Taking the zero-credit course is only necessary because of the exam, but during the semester there are no lessons to go to. In case one wants to prepare before the exam, one can take an elective, 3 credit-worthy technical language course. 

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