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IR TALKS 4 – Nuclear energy – European dependencies and prospects

26 February 2025 | Corvinus University of Budapest | C.202
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

During the fourth session of the IR TALKS series Andrej Nosko, an expert on energy issues, with a PhD from CEU and currently teaching at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, gave a guest talk as part of the Department’s IR TALKS series on February 26 on “Nuclear energy: European dependencies and prospects,” followed by a very engaged discussion. The talk covered issues from some of the legacy nuclear power plants’ dependence on nuclear fuel and other supplies from Russia to challenges of the future related to difficult-to-predict and likely increasing consumption against the backdrop of the war-disrupted energy transition.


IR TALKS is a series of guest and roundtable talks organised by the Department of International Relations at Corvinus University to make sense of the world we live in at a time of turbulent international politics.

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