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Join the June 2021 Research Week

Find out why cows are complicated creatures, how kidney transplants and clearing houses are related and if the Tokyo Olympic Games are going to take place this summer.

Find out why cows are complicated creatures, how kidney transplants and clearing houses are related and if the Tokyo Olympic Games are going to take place this summer.



Over 40 events: forums, discussions, presentations, and workshops
Time: 14-18 June 2021
Place: online, on MS Teams.

All Corvinus faculty is welcome to participate in the second Research Week of the year, which is organised as an online event on Teams between 14-18 June. The five-day Research Week offers presentations, workshops, discussions, and forums on a great variety of topics. Participants will be given a chance to learn about ongoing or recently concluded research projects and will also be able to discuss future collaboration opportunities with potential partners.

Software available at CUB will be presented in a series of presentations organised by the Research Management Office. Volker Kraft, JMP’s European ambassador is going to talk about the academic and research opportunities offered by JMP. Corvinus colleagues are going to share their personal experience of using software like SPSS, a Matlab, MAXQDA, EndNote, Tableau, and Microstrategy. The knowledge gained in these sessions will hopefully allow Corvinus faculty to make informed choices about the software they use in teaching and research in the future.

Join the presentation on the latest Library support measure, which helps with developing one’s research data management plan. Using InCites, a Library expert is going to shed light on how CUB’ publication output of the 2018-20 period compares to that of other higher educational institutions in the world.

Attention will be called to the research activities and results of the younger generations by sharing the OTDK (National Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations) experience of the recent period and the presentation and discussion of the proposals of some PhD students. They and early career researchers will also certainly learn a great deal from a lecture specially dedicated to the tricks of writing one’s first Q1 article.

Covid-19 and its effects on our life is a natural discussion topic this year, similarly to such hot subject matters as AI and competitiveness. Researchers will also be interested to hear about a new aspect of the controversial concept of “impact”, what it takes to achieve it and how the University can support researchers in their endeavours.

Readers and contributors of the Corvinus journal “Vezetéstudomány” will not only be able to share their views in a lively discussion but will also witness the award ceremony for the most outstanding 2019 article contributions.

The Research Week will be rounded off with a presentation on the future of research support at Corvinus by Vice-Rector for Research Professor Dr Gyula Vastag.

We look forward to seeing you during the Research Week.

Further information is available on the Research Week website. Should you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact Éva Bordás-Tóth at the Research Management Office.  

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