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The candidate for the rector’s position will be introduced on 30 April

2024-04-24 15:58:00

Four applications were received for the position of Rector of Corvinus, of which one met the minimum formal and professional criteria. University citizens will soon have the opportunity to meet the candidate in person and ask questions.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation launched an international call for applications for the position of Rector on 14 March and received four valid applications by the deadline of 19 April. Of these, one application meets the requirements of the Act on National Higher Education and the minimum criteria set for full professors by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee. In the three other cases, either the minimum scientific output necessary to gain full professorship in Hungary was not fulfilled and therefore the application for professorship could not be accepted or the required higher education experience was not adequate. 


The election process 

On 23 April, the secretariat of the Board of Trustees forwarded the suitable application to the ad hoc committee set up by the Senate and to the Chair of the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee to seek their opinion. 

At its meeting on 11 July 2023, the Senate of Corvinus decided to form an ad hoc committee in charge of preparing the commenting on the Rector’s applications by the Senate. The Senate elected the following members by secret ballot. Chair: Ágnes Zsóka Vice Rector for Academic Development, members: Dr. Krisztina Városiné Demeter member of the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee, Full Professor at the Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences; Dr. Andrea Kő, Head of the Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems, Full Professor; Dr. Csaba János Békés, then Chair of the Board of Professors, Full Professor at the Institute of Global Studies and Dr. John Goodwin, Research Professor at the Institute of Accounting and Law).  

The ad-hoc committee preparing the Senate’s comment is expected to summarise its detailed opinion on the application, along with the individual assessment of the candidate, by May 7 and submit it to the Senate. In the second half of May, the Senate will hold an opinion vote, the outcome of which will be forwarded by the Maintainer’s Board of Trustees by the Chair of the Senate. 

In parallel with the application for the rector’s role, the candidate has also applied for full professorship, a prerequisite for filling the Rector’s position, which is being evaluated by the Academic Tenure and Promotion Committee (ATPC). The Committee’s proposal to the Senate on the candidate’s compliance with the criteria for full professorship is also due by 7 May. 

The Board of Trustees will take its decision by mid-June 2024 at the latest. 


Application document of the candidate  

The candidate’s application can be accessed via the links below (the links point to the cusman password protected area of the university website and to the staff intranet).  

Bruno van Pottelsberghe (Full Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles – Solvay SA Chair of Innovation) 

Short CV Long CV Application document


Presentation of the candidate 

The candidate is invited to present himself in person and answer questions from university citizens in a forum organised jointly for staff and students. He will be given 30 minutes to present his vision, his programme as rector, followed by a 60-minute Q&A session. 

University citizens can also send questions to the candidate in advance, which will be grouped and put to the candidate by the Ad Hoc Committee in the first part of the Q&A session of the Forum. Further questions can be asked on the spot during the second part of the Q&A session. 

The event will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation provided. 

The event is reserved for university citizens, participants can register with their university email address (Registration is mandatory.) 


Introductory forum 

Tuesday 30 April 2024, Main Building (E) Hall Area 


Introductory presentation by Bruno van Pottelsberghe, Full Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles – Solvay SA Chair of Innovation 


Please register here (Deadline: 5 pm, Monday 29 April) 

Preliminary questions to the candidate may be posted here (Deadline: noon, Friday 26 April) 

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