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The latest issue of Budapest Management Review, February 2025

The monthly published Budapest Management Review is one of the most significant journals in the field of business, management, and organizational studies in Hungary, with a history of more than 55 years, ranked in the best, “A” category by the Hungarian Academy of Science, one star on ABS List 2021.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

It is a general management journal, which includes studies on different aspects of organizations: structure, processes, and performance, and equally on cultural, behavioural, and technological subjects. Multidisciplinary research is highly valued and papers that draw on the perspective and theoretical background of sociology, psychology, economics, political science, or communicational studies – apart from that of business, management and organization science are also appreciated. 

Adapting to the habits of our readers and aiming for a more sustainable publishing model, we primarily distribute our journal digitally. The full contents of the journal are available online at the Budapest Management Review’s website. If you would like to receive our monthly e-mail newsletter with the latest issue and calls for papers you can register here. We look forward to welcoming you among our readers and you can follow us on our Facebook page as well! The website also provides information about the submission process and author guidelines. 

Contents of the latest February issue (Volume LVI, Issue 2): 

– Mária Szulovszky – Orsolya Pongor-Juhász Anna – Zsuzsa Kovács 

The types, applicability, and transferability of knowledge acquired during international assignments 

The authors’ exploratory study focuses on the types of knowledge gained by Hungarian expatriates and discusses their applicability and transferability in the contexts of home units. 

– Anita Kéri – Boglárka Berki 

Examination of reasons behind student enrolment numbers in light of higher education service 

The aim of the research was to explore the reasons behind the increased interest in postgraduate programs and the lower number of applications for master’s programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at University of Szeged with a specific focus on the perceived higher education service quality.  

– Anikó Kelemen-Erdős – Dávid Csaba Szórát 

The links between entrepreneurial opportunity and artificial intelligence based on a systematic literature review 

This paper aims to analyze the role of artificial intelligence in the context of entrepreneurial opportunities in an interdisciplinary approach.  

– Botond Géza Kálmán – Judit Grotte – Zsuzsanna Zugor – Szilárd Malatyinszki 

Investigation of tourism demand and country-brand value correlations – Statistical analysis of the impact of visits 

This study explores how tourism data correlates with a country’s brand value, analyzing public databases with statistical methods.  

Orsolya Herr – Krisztina András 

Examining the perspectives of sports managers and coaches related to the employment of female handball players as employees 

The main objective of the study is to identify the key issues in the employment of athletes in the sport of handball. 

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