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Back to news28/10/2021

We have passed an important milestone in the Corvinus EQUIS re-accreditation process

A visit by the EFMD Peer Review Team took place from 5-8 October.


In Hungary, Corvinus University is currently the only EQUIS accredited university. This is one of the most recognised international qualifications among management schools in the world. The EQUIS “crown” is held by only five other universities in Central Europe, and Corvinus set a priority goal for itself to retain the certification obtained in 2018. 

It is important to note that in 2018, the Faculty of Business Administration received accreditation, and during the model change, the previous faculty structure was replaced by an agile matrix organisation, which has been accepted by the EFMD, meaning that it will be allowed to be extended to the whole university in 2021, if the re-accreditation is successful. 

So this year’s re-accreditation process is already about ensuring that Corvinus University remains an EQUIS accredited institution for the next three years. 

You can read about the preparation process, which involved a lot of hard work and effort of many university participants, here. 

A visit of the EFMD Peer Review Team to Corvinus took place between 5-8 October. The aim of the audit was to check that the entire university organisation meets all quality criteria. The visiting committee is made up of senior officials and deans from internationally renowned universities, who, after studying the pre-compiled materials, asked questions and conducted interviews with university leaders, teachers and researchers, former and current students, and corporate partners. 


The visit was attended by 73 people in addition to the three-member Peer Review Team committee: all members of the university management, the President and one member of the Board of Trustees of the MUC Foundation, the Deans, junior and senior lecturers (8-8 persons), representatives of the Finance and HR area (3-3 persons), Hungarian and foreign students (13 persons), the MSc Marketing as the programme leader and two lecturers of the course to be examined in detail by the EFMD, Hungarian and foreign alumni (8 persons) and corporate partners (7 persons). 

The topics and participants of the panel discussions were:  

At the end of the evaluation, a detailed report is prepared by the visiting committee, which is forwarded to the EFMD management, who make the final decision on accreditation. The University will also receive the report, which, in addition to the decision, will include recommendations for the institution. The final re-accreditation decision will be taken in December. 

They participated in the preparation and organisation of the visit under the guidance of Zoltán Oszkár Szántó: Mónika Csizmár, Tímea Nagy, Zsuzsanna Kopin, Antal Piross. 

Once again, we would like to thank all the members of the EQUIS re-accreditation project team who helped with their participation and support in the preparation of the self-evaluation report and the implementation of the visit. 

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