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Back to news01/12/2022

What drives tourists to adopt self-driving cars? – Publication by Melinda Jászberényi and Márk Miskolczi

The publication co-authored by Melinda Jászberényi and Márk Miskolczi was published in the Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.

Abstract: Autonomous vehicles are expected to shape mobility and tourism. This paper introduces an extension to the TAM to better understand the adoption of self-driving cars for tourism purposes. The new model (TAMAT) confirms some under-explored impacts of tourism-related variables, such as Openness to Tourism Usage and Unusual Surroundings, and the Adherence to Conventional Use on the Intention to Use self-driving cars. The research is based on online data collection (n = 646) and applies Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling. Findings indicate that the opportunity of using self-driving cars for tourism and unusual environments has a positive impact, while adherence to conventional car use has a negative impact on the intention to use self-driving cars.


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