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Mobility and Tourism Center


The Center has widespread activities, such as (i) the specialist further training, (ii) research and related books in social science and management, (iii) publication of university notes within the framework of the Akadémia Kiadó, (iv) editing one of the professional-scientific journal called “Tourism Bulletin” and (v) organizing professional events/ conferences.

Automatization – (TKP) project

With the rise of automation, machines that can do the work of humans are cropping up all over. They’re going to have a big impact on how we get around in cities in the near future. While user experience is important, there’s still a lot of work to be done in the social sciences when it comes to self-driving technology. Especially in Central and Eastern Europe, where extent industry is built on car assembly. We looked at these issues using the technology acceptance methodology, where we defined three types of tourism mobility as vehicles become more automated. We also looked at how people think and feel about shifts in mobility. We saw that there was a gap in research, so an analysis was conducted on the social effects of technology in Hungary. Our study intends to answer some of the questions that people have about how technology affects society.


Kenesei, Zs., Ásványi, K., Kökény, L., Jászberényi, M., Gyulavári, T., Miskolczi, M., Syahrivar, J. (2022). Trust and perceived risk: How different manifestations affect the adoption of autonomous vehicles.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

Jászberényi, M., Miskolczi, M., Földes, D., Munkácsy, A. (2022). What drives tourist to adopt self-driving cars?

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour

Ásványi, K., Miskolczi, M., Jászberényi, M., Kenesei, Z., & Kökény, L. (2022). The Emergence of Unconventional Tourism Services Based on Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)

Attitude Analysis of Tourism Experts Using the Q Methodology. Sustainability, 14(6), 3691.


We do research in tourism and mobility, and disseminate our findings at international conferences. We collaborate with Hungarian Institute of Transport Science and Logistics: https://www.kti.hu

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