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Hong Kong Case Competition: Corvinus Students Among the Best in the World

2024-10-18 09:22:00

Our university competed against some of the most prestigious case-solving teams on the international stage at the HKUST International Case Competition in Hong Kong.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Four undergraduate students, Bánk Kozma, Kitti Lázár, Dorka Lukács, and Melina Nagy, represented our university at the 2024 HKUST International Case Competition, organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 

The students were selected after successfully completing the “Cases on International Business Strategy” (CIBS) and “Cases in Business Strategy” (CBS) courses, as part of the Case Track courses. Their enthusiastic and dedicated preparation for the competition was led by Bence László Pistrui, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 

The competition consisted of solving a 5-hour and a 24-hour complex business case, both provided by HSBC with the contribution of The Thompson Center for Business Case Studies. After their preparation, the teams presented their solutions to a professional jury in 10- and 15-minute sessions. It was followed by a Q&A, where they answered questions from the jury, including leaders from HSBC, the bank that provided the case. 

Both cases focused on banking topics, which the team found particularly exciting as it offered a glimpse into an industry known for its dynamism and diversity. In the first case, our students presented innovative ideas to retain HSBCnet Helpdesk customer service staff. In the 24-hour case, they enhanced customer service efficiency through creative technological solutions that aimed to automate simple queries, aligning with the company’s goals. They followed a strict schedule during the 24-hour preparation period and gained many unforgettable experiences: 

“During the preparation, we even had time to enjoy some of the interesting snacks the organizers provided and despite little sleep, we felt our final solution was our best yet. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the competition alongside my talented teammates and supportive advisor. Both the preparation and the competition itself taught me more valuable skills than I could have imagined before taking on this journey.” said Melina Nagy. 

The team’s preparation for the HKICC went smoothly, throughout the summer, they had the chance to deepen their case solving skills with exciting workshops, and they tackled numerous 5- and 24-hour practice cases, paying special attention to aligning their solutions with Hong Kong’s corporate culture, which helped bond the team. 

Both the team members and their mentor are proud of their solution and performance; after detailing their own solutions to the cases and observing the finalists’ solutions, they gained valuable experiences, especially as this was the first time our university was represented by the team at the HKICC competition. These experiences will provide invaluable support for future student teams in preparing for further competitions, as they gained firsthand knowledge of the case-solving culture and presentation techniques of the world’s top business schools’ teams. 

My main takeaway from the HKICC competition is that the winning teams applied a comprehensive, specific solution approach. They first presented their main ideas and then detailed the steps necessary to implement them, all in a natural, clear, and dynamic presentation style,

shared Bánk Kozma. 

The competition not only focused on solving real-world business problems, which required strong teamwork, but also allowed cross-cultural understanding and the formation of friendships. Our team had the opportunity to explore Hong Kong’s famous landmarks, including the over 34-meter-tall Big Buddha statue in Ngong Ping Village and the Tai O fishing village, through a guided tour provided by the organizers. 

For Kitti Lázár, one of her fondest memories was the “party tram,” where teams travelled through skyscrapers while admiring the city and getting to know students from the host university.

The event offered many memorable experiences, as I had the chance to meet people from all over the world. It was a special feeling to see so many students from different universities and fields united by an exciting challenge: solving corporate problems creatively,

she said. 

Dorka Lukács added that the support and growth-oriented environment provided by the Corvinus Case Track Community (CCTC) student organization and the case-solving community contributed greatly to allowing students to test their skills on the international stage.

I am incredibly grateful for the individual mentoring provided by CCTC, and the valuable insights from the Case Track professors and community about the various areas of business. Competing internationally not only enhanced our professional development but also enriched our personal growth with the most unforgettable experiences of our university years, that we will always look back on with pride.

Congratulations to the team, their mentor, and the Case Track professors! We can be proud of their diligent preparation and hard work, which enabled our university to compete with the most prestigious case-solving teams on the international stage. 

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