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More than 2500 young people gained research experience in the EU project led by Corvinus

2022-09-01 14:47:15

More than 1800 university students, doctoral students and more than 700 young researchers received grants for their research from the non-refundable EFOP (Human Resource Development Operational Programme) funds of HUF 1,807 billion co-financed by the European Union, Hungary and the European Social Fund.

Owing to the successful applications, the winners, among other things, were able to do research, published publications and case studies in Hungarian and foreign languages, had the opportunity to speak at conferences, received scholarships for writing theses, for research, and attended presentation and science communication training courses. Corvinus University of Budapest implemented the five-year project closed on 31 May of this year as a consortium leader, with the involvement of three other institutions – the University of Debrecen, the Eötvös Loránd University and the University of Pécs. 

The call for applications supported by the European Union aimed at developing the system of fostering student talent and facilitating the training of new generations of researchers through the doctoral programmes. It supported students and teachers, who, with their high qualifications and performance, are able to successfully cope with the international competition and the situation on the labour market. 1,831 students and 724 young researchers submitted successful applications for the funds available in the project. Owing to the support, 514 presentations were held at scientific conferences, and 406 publications – including 189 in foreign languages- were published. As a result of the support, 126 researchers achieved higher levels in their careers, and got higher positions. In addition, young people involved in the project were able to participate in training courses about presentation, science communication and library research, they could apply for scholarships for writing theses and for research, could have their ideas assessed, and could join case study competitions. The project funds also covered the organisation of 34 events to make the researcher career more popular. 

‘The project supported my participation, as a young doctoral student, in my first international conference, where I won the Best Paper prize, too. This laid the foundations of my academic career. It is extremely important for all early-stage researchers to gain experience.’, said Yosef Katul, student of the Corvinus Doctoral School of Business and Management. 

While working in the research group, I learned how to divide work, and how to communicate efficiently with each other. I myself had more initiative, so I started joint projects with several fellow doctoral students,’ , explained her project experience Lilla Szabó, student of the Corvinus Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Science. 

‘The pre-doctoral scholarship came at the best time for me, as I was able to finish my literature research and I was able to concentrate on the draft of my doctoral thesis, which I managed to defend successfully. I am very grateful for the opportunity to take part in this project, and I hope that generations following me will have similar possibilities.’, said Éva Vajda, student of the Corvinus Doctoral School of Business and Management. 

The consortium of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the University of Debrecen, the Eötvös Loránd University and the University of Pécs – to support the scientific workshops and programmes of students in higher education – on 31 May 2022 closed project No. EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007, titled ‘From talent to young researcher – Activities supporting research careers in higher education’, started in September 2017. The initiative was supported with HUF 1,806,750,000 co-financed by the European Union, Hungary and the European Social Fund. Visit the fiatalkutato.uni-corvinus.hu site for more information on the project, it contains embedded short videos about some of the winner applicants. 

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