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Brainstorming – “The Future of the Water Sector of Central Asia – Opportunities and Challenges”

“The Future of the Water Sector of Central Asia – Opportunities and Challenges”

Workshop organized by the Center for Central Asia Research of Corvinus University in cooperation with the Blue Peace Central Asia initiative of SDC, SIWI and the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia

29 – 30 November 2021

(the meeting is conducted in a hybrid format due to travel restrictions in some countries)

The workshop is the concluding event of the first phase of the Programme “Water as a driver of sustainable recovery: economic, institutional and strategic aspects of water resources management in Central Asia”, jointly supported by Corvinus University, BPCA, SIWI and CAREC. The programme included four webinars, supported by research. The outcomes of the four webinars were published in two articles in the quarterly of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies, “Kazakhstan Spektr”:

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(встреча проводится в смешанном формате в связи с ограничениями на поездки в некоторые страны)

Семинар является заключительным мероприятием первого этапа программы “Вода как движущая сила устойчивого восстановления: экономические, институциональные и стратегические аспекты управления водными ресурсами в Центральной Азии”, совместно поддержанной Университетом Корвинус, BPCA, SIWI и ЦАРЭС. Программа включала четыре вебинара, подкрепленных исследованиями. Результаты четырех вебинаров были опубликованы в двух статьях в ежеквартальном журнале Казахстанского института стратегических исследований “Казахстан Спектр”:

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Summary of the four webinars

3rd Webinar – Water as a driver of sustainable recovery”

2nd WEBINAR – Identifying essential structural and institutional reforms to achieve economic and financial sustainability of the water sector

“Identifying essential structural and institutional reforms to achieve economic and financial sustainability of the water sector”

webinar organized in the framework of the Programme “Water as a driver of sustainable recovery: economic, institutional and strategic aspects of water resources management in Central Asia”

on 25 February 2021, 14.00 Almaty time / 09.00 CETSupported by Blue Peace of Central Asia (BPCA) of SDC, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the Center for Central Asia Research of Corvinus University Budapest (CUB) and the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC)

Kapcsolódó dokumentumok

The “Water” project – 2020 – 1st Webinar

The Center for Central Asia Research of Corvinus University launches a two year research programme with the participation of leading experts and research institutes of the region with the title “Water as a driver of sustainable recovery: economic, institutional and strategic aspects of water resources management in Central Asia.”


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IVF workshop 2018

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